Monday Memos Week 5 Term 2

In case you haven’t seen the Bunyip this article about the Canberra Camp was published in last weeks newspaper. Spelling fer meaning carry/bear as in refer, conference, transferring Mathletics 1000 points per week Boys Formal Winter Uniform The correct boys winter uniform is long grey pants, the long sleeve shirt and a green jumper. A couple of years ago we started letting boys wear shorts through winter, on the proviso that they wear the green jumper with it. In recent times we are seeing a number of boys continuing to wear summer uniform, with out a jumper, through the entire day. We ask that parents/caregivers ensure that boys who want to wear shorts through winter (and especially on these cold days) are wearing the formal green woollen jumper (and then wear the green rain jacket over the top of that if they are still cold etc). Street Food Evening Still to come this term is the ‘Street Food’ Evening where we will culminate and cele...