Monday memos Week 4 Term 2



cc makes a /k/ sound 


1000 points per week

UOI task - The Government Game

The challenge is to make an interactive game that informs or tests the players about Civics and Citizenship here in Australia.

Your aim is to make the game engaging, share your knowledge and understanding of how our democracy works and challenge your creativity. Here are some areas of information that you could focus on in your game:


Federation (include Constitution)

Rights and Responsibilities (being an Australian Citizen)

Three Levels of Government



You could choose one area of focus or combine a few areas to create your game.

The task itself is split into two parts. To go on with the second section, you need to have shown a teacher the first section.

Section A - You must collate the information that you will include in your game for each of the above areas. This can be done in your books or on your iPad. The choice is yours. When completed, show it to a teacher to be checked off. When checked off, you can move onto Section B.

You need enough information to share at least 20 facts/concepts

Section B - Be creative and create your game. When you have completed your game, post pictures, links and or parts of it to Seesaw in the folder UOI - Civics and Citizenship.

Assignment is due Wednesday morning Week 5 (31st of May)

Here is a gigantic link that might help you with some information or ideas on presenting.

Today we chatted about God being amazing from creating and recreating things that are broken and restored through forgiveness, to the peace, grace and love He offers, and much more.  Students created these lego images as a symbol of how amazing God is! We think their lego work is also amazing!

Term 2 Week 4 Whole School Update…


Soup and Damper Day Lunch next week Weds 31-5-2023

·        For National Reconciliation Week 27 May to 3 June

·        Soup and Damper $3; Soup only $2; Damper only $1

·        Order forms were sent home to students last Friday.  All orders & payment must be in the office by this Friday 26 May.   Click here for another form or see the office. 

·        Thank you to our P&F and all those who have volunteered to help and donate.    


Food Collection Drive - Immanuel P&F & Lutheran Care

·        Thank you for all the food donations towards the “Fill our Pantry” Food Drive
We have received over 1300 assorted pantry items.

·        Thank you to our year 6’s who turned all the donations into interesting outreach symbols.  Stay tuned for the announcement of the winning House Team and a copy of the Assembly Video. 

·        Sarah from Lutheran Care attended School Assembly this afternoon and thanked us for our generosity.

·        Thanks to our P&F group for getting our school involved in this food collection drive.  


Simultaneous Story Time

·       Wed 24 May “The Speedy Sloth”.  All classes will read the same book, fostering a sense of community and excitement around reading.


Open Days

·       Sunday 4 June at 3.00pm  / Thursday 15 June at 9.30am

·       For new families wishing to enrol at Immanuel


Worship and Praise

·        Friday 19 May W&P was be led by Tania Wain and year 1.   Click  T2 W3 W&P with Miss Wain Yr 1 .MOV to watch the recorded version from home

·        Friday 26 May at 10.30am W&P will be led by Emma Lange  

·        Parents and friends are welcome to join us

·        Zion Preschool children will join us for W&P too

·        Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45am in Taikondi



Term 2

·        Bookings are open for the term:  Use KTQQ3 as the login.

·        Bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead. Any further bookings required for the week need to be texted, emailed or phoned to Katrina

·        Term 2 is a 9 week term, followed by 3 weeks school holidays in July

·        The July holiday program will be out in week 5


·       We are now open at 6.45am. Our closing time is still 6pm.

·       Fees have increased, please refer to the website.

·       “No Booking” charge is applied if children arrive at iGOSH with no booking.

Electronic Sign In

·       All families received a letter last week about iGOSH moving to an Electronic Booking System, rather than the written version.

o   Each person signing in and out your child will need their own pin code.

o   There are 2 parts to the letter that was sent home

o   1st page is for your reference of people on your child’s collection list and their pin codes. Pin codes will start as mobile phone numbers(minus the 0). You will be able to change the pin code at your first sign in on the system.

o   2nd page is the form you return. On here you will need to cross out and add names of people on your child’s collection list. If there are no changes to be made, please still sign the form and return it.

o   This is a good time to make changes with taking people off or adding others onto your child’s collection authority.

o   The form need to be back to IGOSH by Thursday 25 May

o   If you have made changes a revised letter will be sent home later this week to confirm these updates

o   We hope to have the electronic sign in ready to use by next week.


Immanuel Insights Newsletter

·       Sports Quiz Winner is Hunter G (5P).  Congratulations 


Uniform order form - now on Operoo

·       Need new uniform and can’t get to the school office

·       Click on this link:

Complete details and submit. 

·       Office staff will call you for payment and then send items home.  


Some upcoming Diary Dates for Term 2

·        Mon 22 May - This week Auditions start for Cabaret acts from Yr 3 to Yr 6 students (see Mr H)

·       Sat 27 May to Sat 3 June - Reconciliation Week

·       Fri 2 June - last date to book a dental visit for your child, either return the form to the office or book online at

·       Fri 2 June - Movie Night

·       Sun 4 June 3pm - Open Afternoon

·        Weds 7 June - Year 5 CSI Day at Faith College

·        Mon 12 June – Kings Birthday public holiday

·        Thurs 15 June 9.30am - Open morning

·        Fri 16 June – Cabaret Night - details out soon

·        Mon 19 June - P&F Meeting at 7pm

·        Mon 19 to Fri 23 June – Recess time instrumental concerts

·        Weds 28, Thurs 29 & Fri 30 June - Dental for Schools Dental visits

·        Fri 30 June – end of term 2 (3 weeks of school holidays) 


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