
Showing posts from October, 2023

Mondays Memos Term 4 Week 3

  It’s Week 3 and things are heating up with the anticipation of Exhibition in Week 4.  YEAR 6 EXHIBITION 2023 Wednesday November 8 Warrinthi Basement 6.15 - 8pm A sausage sizzle will be provided for Parents and Caregivers and drinks will be available. All students are expected to attend the Exhibition Evening.  Please email us with any extenuating circumstances.  We hope that students will be spending time, if needed, planning and preparing for their exhibit at home. Term  4  Week  3  Whole School Update…   Faith Challenge Event  at Tanunda is  this Friday 3/11  – Good luck to Team Immanuel!  Parent Information Evening for our 2024 Foundation class  is  this Tuesday 31/10 at 7pm .  We look forward to meeting next years parents.   Literacy at Immanuel We have made the first of a series of brief videos to share with our community about Literacy and our approach to it. We hope you enjoy it and find it inf...

Monday Memos Week 2 Term 4

A week further advanced and one week closer the end. For most students, the Exhibition process is tracking well, there are a few that I know will lift there work rate this week. Exhibition Thank you to those who were able to spend some time this last week and complete a Carbon Calculator survey for Jordan. Later this week, if you get a chance there will be as series of surveys that have been compiled by the different Exhibition groups. Don’t feel obliged to respond to them all but if you get a chance to even respond to one, it will be greatly appreciated. If you know some other family members or family friends that would like to respond to the surveys, please feel free to pass them once they are sent to you. Uniforms Please remember appropriate hem lengths, earrings and socks. It’s nice to see that so many people have Nike, Champion and other sponsorships, but the uniform does state plain white socks with the sports uniform. Term  4  Week  2  Whole School Update… ...