Week 10 Term 1 Memos

Here or not here this week, we are moving to online learning. The daily task outline will be sent each day via email and posted here on the blog. 

Students will be working through Seesaw and Microsoft Teams as their main platforms for their learning activities. They can also use their email to correspond with the teachers. This blog will have regular information, tips and ideas. 

Seesaw - each day a selection of activities will be posted for students to complete and work on. Some of these activities may take several days to complete. 

Microsoft Teams - on Teams, we are providing a quick real-time option for students to post messages and questions to the teachers and have learning discussions across the Senior Unit. We will be looking for students to make check in comments throughout the day to help keep track and support their learning. One of these may include an online version of a roll call (yet to be decided). Just note that teachers will only be active on Teams at certain times of each day.

Emails - emails can be used for questions or comments where the student may wish to have more privacy or secrecy. 

Blog - the blog will be used to share ideas and provide tips for students and parents. Please come and check the blog regularly. It also has the Spelling Lists for both spelling groups. 

Spelling - this week both groups are looking at the List 9 Words for studying.

What the next few weeks look like

This week T1 W10: 
Today we had a 29% attendance rate.  Thank you to families who have advised us your intention to keep your child/ren at home. 
Teachers (from tomorrow) will commence all learning (for those both on-site as well as off-site) via SEESAW.  Please refer to the email sent home Friday 27/3 for the schedule. 
iGOSH - If you are not accessing learning on site at Immanuel this week you need to cancel any iGOSH bookings you have by contacting iGOSH via katrinap@ilsg.sa.edu.au

Learning Packs and iPad updates
During this week all families who have been off-site since before the end of Week 9 need to come back in to school to collect learning packs. For students in Yr 4/5/6 an update on the iPad is required also to ensure Seesaw is working properly. (Please make sure iPads are fully charged.)

Technology / Connectivity
Our students in Yr 4/5/6 are well placed via the iPad programme we rolled out last year but students in other grades may not have access to technology in their homes. We have a limited bank of iPads we can lend to families who need to have this support but they are wi-fi only and so will require connectivity. If you are in need of this support please email richiec@ilsg.sa.edu.au ASAP so that we can allocate them appropriately. These iPads may be collected on Thursday or Friday this week.

Next week 6-9th April Pupil Free Days:
·         A separate email has been sent home earlier today communicating details of this.  The email is also on our Facebook page and website http://www.ilsg.sa.edu.au/news-info/corona-virus-information-

School Holiday Period – Tuesday 14 to Friday 24 April
·         Please understand that it is a very dynamic and changing environment however:
We will plan/hope to offer iGOSH to families who cannot work from home due to their involvement in essential services.   No other student can attend.
Please register via  www.carebookings.com.au code number KTQQ3 by 2pm Thursday 2nd April. 
The 2 week schedule is on our website at this link http://www.ilsg.sa.edu.au/students/igosh-out-of-school-hours-care-
All excursions have been cancelled and there will be no external visitors / groups on site.   
No food will be catered for except for the snack and fruit each afternoon.  Therefore families will need to provide recess and lunch. 
Confirmation of your booking will go home Friday 3 April to families (who are essential service workers) who have booked the use of Vac Care.
For families who do not work in essential services and have already booked for the School Holiday Vac Care, will need to cancel their bookings ASAP (before Thursday 2 April).

Communication with families
School administration will continue to use email as the main source of communication with families. Social media (FB and Twitter) will support this.  
We will continue to liaise via email in regards to what Term 2 may look like, when we know.

Learning at Home Support
An email was sent home on Friday 20 March to all families giving them access to their child’s SEESAW account via a code.     A copy of this email is on our website.
If you did not receive the email / have the code please make contact with your teacher or front office and we will resend.

School Website www.ilsg.sa.edu.au
We have uploaded onto our website a copy of all our recent email communication regarding the Corona Virus, Learning ‘On site - Off site’, Pupil Free days, etc.   
We will also continue to add other information and links enabling parents a place to go to get further information.  
There are tips on talking to children, learning resources, etc

Easter Devotions
We have posted 6 powerpoints onto our website http://www.ilsg.sa.edu.au/news-info/devotions-  enabling families access to the Easter story. 

Daylight saving

Daylight saving ends this Sunday 5 April at 3.00am.  Clocks need to go back one hour.   https://www.safework.sa.gov.au/events/daylight-saving-commences

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