Week 9 Term 1 Memos

Well, as we head deeper into uncharted waters, we hope that you all find ways to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Here are the key points we have for you from Year 6. 

Please keep an eye on the blog as we may at times post different ideas and thoughts to help out over this tricky period as well as try to keep students and parents updated with the learning activities we set.

Canberra Camp  
While our planned trip to Canberra is looking more and more unlikely to go ahead, at this stage we
will make a firm decision at the end of term, Thursday the 9th of April and we will communicate with families soon after that. Should it not go ahead at the planned time, we will consider all of the possible alternatives and make some decisions as things unfold.

Working on ‘ei’ and ‘ie’ to make the ‘ee’ sound.

Seesaw -
As Senior Unit students have their own iPads, they should already have access to their Seesaw accounts from home. If they are having difficulties, please let us know via email.

Whole School Memos

Corona Virus
It continues to be a changing landscape and we continue to follow the advice given to us by the relevant authorities. Please be aware that the rhetoric and commentary that is shared via some (social) media doesn’t necessarily apply to schools. We have made a number of adaptations to ensure the health and safety of our community is maximised. Your support in these times is appreciated and as we work towards minimising social contact we ask that families also do what they can in regards to this when they are on the school grounds.
This is a link to a short online course (COVID-19 Infection Control Training) that families might find useful regarding health and hygiene precautions in the current environment.

We currently have a number of families who have decided not to send their children to school and we respect these decisions. It is important that we know the anticipated duration of the absence. For example, if you plan to not send your children to school for the rest of this term then it’s important that we know this. If they are away for a singular day, then this is important we know as well.  Please (as a minimum) phone or email our front office to let them know why your child/ren is away and for how long you suspect that will be for.

iGOSH and Absentees
If you are not accessing learning on site at Immanuel in the coming week/s then you need to also cancel any iGOSH bookings you have, otherwise we will need to charge families for it due to staffing ratios required (which are based on the bookings).
To cancel bookings for this week please contact iGOSH via katrinap@ilsg.sa.edu.au
To cancel bookings for week 10 and 11 please do via your online booking account.   

Learning at Home Support
Last Friday an email was sent home to all families giving them access to their child’s Seesawaccount via a code. The letter that accompanies that code outlines how we will be supporting those families who are not accessing learning on site here at Immanuel. Certainly these are new and challenging times as we work towards new and different ways of delivering learning experiences.   A copy of this letter is also on our website click here. 
Please use this link  https://app.seesaw.me/  (not the link in last Friday’s email) and key in your unique code or scan the QR code you received.  
Today we have uploaded onto our website some “Tips on talking to children about Corona virus” and various links for parents to refer to.  http://www.ilsg.sa.edu.au/news-info/corona-virus-information-

Immanuel Sports Day  - as communicated last week this is postponed.
This Friday will be a normal school day at Immanuel.  Students will spend part of their day in small groups participating in fun sport activities.
Students can dress up their sports team colours to school (eg coloured t-shirt, ribbons, socks etc with their sports shorts).   
A sausage sizzle lunch is being offered.  Please bring $2 and give to your class teacher by Weds 25 March for a sausage lunch on Friday.  
No Subway is being offered on Friday.   
Normal dismissal time of 3.25pm

Cup Cakes for recess this Wednesday is being cancelled. 
Although cupcakes have already been paid for we will hold another cup cake day later in the year or refund your money accordingly. 

Kytons Bakery Fundraiser
This is now cancelled.  Those families who have submitted orders will be refunded. 

Library Books
There is no more borrowing at this stage.  Students are asked to return any Library Books they have back to school.

Heroclix sessions (for those participating students) on Friday 3 April with Mr Jones is cancelled

School Lane / Carpark Parking area – reminders
You can not turn into school lane from Daly Street.  Access to School Lane is via entering the Daly Street carpark then exiting at the gate onto school lane and either turning left to drive further up and park along the upper area of school lane / upper carpark or turning right to drive down school lane and exit out onto Daly Street.
Remember there is no right turn between 8.00-9.00am and 3.00-4.00pm from School Lane onto Daly Street

Safety Incident Form
If you experience an injury or near miss, sight a hazard or observation it is your duty to report it.  This can be done via a form now on our website at this link. 

The April School Vacation Care program was sent home last week.  The program is on the website click here.  
At this stage we are still operating, so online bookings are open till Thursday 2 April.  The only change that may happen will be the 2 excursions planned will be cancelled. But we will know this closer to the time.
There are a lot of accounts over $500. Your prompt payment is appreciated and having accounts under this amount is important for our service.
We are asking that parents refrain from coming into the iGOSH room and mixing with the children in our service. Please stay near the front desk, sign your child in or out if collecting, wait there and we will bring your child(ren) to you. 
There are a lot of children that have observations in their iGOSH Life Books for parents to read and respond too. Please check the list on our front desk. If your child’s name is on the list, find their scrapbook in the bottom drawer near the desk, share  the observation with your child, write a comment and then sign the sheet on the desk to say you have read the observation. Your help with this is appreciated.

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