Monday Memos Week 9 Term 4

We're leavin' together

But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To Immanuel, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?
It's the final memo,
The final memo
(Thank you Europe and the 1980’s)
Here is the last things in which you need to know for 2021…
All iPads for students departing at the end of term have now been decommissioned from the school network, wiped clean of all data and are ready for collection. 
We now ask for families to finalise any remaining payment and collect iPads from our front office staff during school hours this week. 
All family accounts have been adjusted for those who indicated they would purchase the iPad.
To clarify any amounts owing or if you have any questions regarding payments or refunds due please contact our finance officer Lee-anne Voigt ( or our business manager Jo McNair ( as soon as possible.
Graduation and Celebration Evening
If you haven’t booked, please attend to that. Students are expected to be wearing formal uniform. If you need a part of he uniform for that evening, the school is happy to help out with that. Please just let us know what you need.
Went out tonight but as many of you were away, you should get them tomorrow.
Last words
If we don’t get to see you this week, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Summer. God bless!

Whole School Info Term 4 Week 9
Another year has passed on quickly again.  We thank you for your support and encouragement of our school during 2021. 
We wish you all every blessing for the festive season and a safe and happy break.  
2022 Class Groupings 
  • Today we held Move Up” day which gave students the opportunity to meet their 2022 teacher, and spend time in their new classroom and group. 
  • Student Book packs were sent home.  Please read the note provided by your 2022 teacher, cover and label the books and return on the first day back in 2022.  
  • Student Semester 2 reports and 2022 class lists have been sent home in a sealed envelope  addressed to parents.
  • PLP’s and music reports are also included for those applicable students.    These envelopes are not to be opened at school.  
2022 Class Teachers 
Foundation:     Mr Blasche, Miss Pfeiffer, Mrs Jones, Mrs Manning
Year 1: Mr McLoughlin, Miss Todd
Year 2: Mr Lord, Mrs Baldock
Year 3: Mrs Rollings, Mrs Tilbrook, Mr Morgan
Year 4: Mrs Altus, Mr Jones
Year 5: Mrs Kreymborg, Mrs Siviour, Mr Tiller
Year 6: Mrs Eckermann, Mr Semmler
We Welcome Sarah Todd, Stacey Baldock & Glynn Morgan as new teachers at Immanuel for 2022.
We Farewell Kayla Sunman, Joanne McDonald, Tania Wain and Sara Bayha.  
Last day of School is Wed 8 Dec 2021
  • Students are to wear their formal summer school uniform (except for Foundation and Year 1 students who will wear sports uniform)
  • The closing Worship and Praise Service will be held in the afternoon.   However due to Covid regulations and our current lack of space in Taikondi there are restrictions on allowing parents to attend.  We will video and email you a copy of the service.  
  • Students will return to their class following the service and then will be dismissed at 3.25pm
  • The Yea6 Graduation and Celebration event will be on Thursday 9 December starting at 6pm for year 6 students and their parents.  
Library Books 
  • If you still have library books at home please return them ASAP
Important Dates for 2022
  • Fri 14 Jan -  Office open 9am to 4pm for payment of accounts (first instalment is due / early payment discount due date and School Uniform Shop open)
  • Tues 25  Thurs 27 Jan - Office and School Uniform Shop Open 9am to 4pm
  • Mon 31 Jan - First day of school for 2022
  • Tues 1 Feb - Parent Information Evening starts at 6.45pm for all classes 
Immanuel's Bus Service - 2022
  • Our bus service has been running for a couple of years now, and has become very popular with families which is terrific. 
From 2022 we are not in a position to take on any more ‘part time’ users. 
  • In the past we have been billing at the end of each term, however, from the start of 2022 the service will operate on a ‘prepaid’ booking system where by seats will be booked and prepaid at the start of the term, for the term ahead. 
  • Seats are booked with payment prior to the start of the school term for the whole term and are either:
  • AM: every morning (only) $110 Term 1 /  $90 Term 2 / $100 Term 3 / $90 Term 4
  • PM: every afternoon $110 (only)  Term 1 /  $90 Term 2 / $100 Term 3 / $90 Term 4
  • AM and PM: every day: $165 Term 1 /  $135 Term 2 / $150 Term 3 / $135 Term 4
  • Casual use will be subject to seats being available and can only be booked on a Monday for the week that follows. The rate will be $3 per trip and will be paid on a cash basis to the front office. 
  • Those students/families who have existing arrangements (regular part time use) will be honored for 2022, but no new part time use will be available. These will also be subject to up front term bookings and payments from the start of next year. 
  • The Bus Route for 2022 and times will be determined early in 2022. Preference will be given to full time users (AM/PM), and existing (2021) users. Please note that we have limited seats available and so can only process this in the priority orders as stated and then in a ‘first in / first served’ basis. 
  • Interest / intent for using the bus service for 2022 should be emailed to at your earliest convenience. 
2022 Term Dates
  • Term 1:   Mon 31 Jan to Thu 14 April
  • Term 2:   Mon 2 May to Fri 1 July
  • Term 3:   Mon 25 July to Fri 30 Sept
  • Term 4:   Mon 17 Oct to Wed 14 Dec
You are welcome to attend the following Gawler Lutheran Church Christmas services
Christmas Eve (Fri 24 Dec)
At Immanuel School starting at 5.30pm with food and craft, 6.30-7.30pm play and carols 
At Immanuel Worship Centre (Cnr 2nd & 7th Streets Gawler) 6.00pm and 8.00pm Carols
Christmas Day 
9.00am at Immanuel Worship Centre  
Christmas in Coming last Friday 3 December was a great success. 
Thank you to those who could attend and to our staff and church volunteers who helped.  
  • Uniform / Lost Property - there are still so many rugby jumpers, hats and lunch boxes etc in the lost property box in the office. Items not claimed this year will be sorted and if any are in good condition will be sold via the 2nd hand uniform shop next year.
Vac Care for Dec / Jan Holidays
  • Click here to read the program  
  • Bookings have closed. All extra bookings or cancellation need to made through Katrina (ring or email)  
  • Confirmation / Consent forms have been sent home and the consent forms need to be returned by Wednesday 8/12. Please make sure you fill it all in and sign the back of it.
  • Accounts need to be below $200 (being end of year) and last vac care paid 
  • iGOSH will be available from Thurs 9 Dec to Fri 29 Jan 2022 (closed from 24/12/21 to 9/1/22)
  • All children will need a hat this vac care. Please make sure you have a hat in their bag each day / or check if they have one here at iGOSH already. If children arrive with no hat, they will be issued a school hat and $10 charged to their iGOSH account.
  • Scan the QR code or sign in at the front desk
  • Wear a mask when entering our service
  • 2022 Term bookings will open next week
  • As the year draws to a close, we have been reflecting on the impact of COVID-19 on the education and care of students. We have also been planning for next year when circumstances may be different.
  • We are very grateful for the actions of all members of the school community in response to the changes caused by COVID-19 and the uncertainties – students, parents, staff, volunteers and board members.
  • The response by members of the community has enabled our students to continue to flourish and our school to continue to provide high quality education and care to our students. The impact on students’ education and care due to the changes we needed to introduce during the year was relatively minor.
  • With the re-opening of the borders, a new variant and the likely increase in COVID-19 cases in our State, many community members will be wondering about the potential impact on their children at the beginning of the next school year.
  • As the situation is uncertain and changing, we can’t give you details on what the situation will be when school returns in Term 1. 
  • We can assure you that the health and safety of students and other members of our community will continue to be our number one priority. The leadership and staff at the school have already undertaken considerable planning for next year, instituting practices to reduce the risks and impact on the community in the instance of a case of COVID-19.
  • The school will continue to follow the advice of the Health authorities. We are also fortunate to receive updates and advice as members of the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA) and Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA.
  • The school’s leadership will continue to monitor any developments during the end of the year break and take any appropriate action. We will advise you of any key developments as we are able.
  • We are confident that together the school community can manage any challenges ahead.

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