Monday Memos Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back to Term 2,

We hope you have all found a way to have a relaxing and enjoyable time over the past three weeks.

Daily plan for people at home:
Will be sent out each morning via email and will appear here on the blog.

Using Microsoft Teams:
Make sure students are checking in and checking out each day.

List 10 for the students this week.


It was wonderful to welcome back to school so many students this morning and to see them enjoying the beautiful autumn weather and each other. Today we had a 59% student attendance rate onsite and our staff have worked hard to support those learning at home.

·         We continue to ask that parents do not go into classrooms in the mornings/afternoons and simply drop students and leave / collect students at the end of the day and head home.
·         Another thing families can do to support not only the safety of our school, but also of the wider community and themselves is to download the CovidSafe app onto your phone if you feel comfortable doing so.
·         As per the email sent home last Friday 24/4 (you will see a copy forwarded again to you in your emails) most year levels are following ‘Step 2’ which is:
when ~60% of a year level are back onsite, one teacher and a LSO teaches them in a face to face mode and the other teacher supports those doing the  on-line stuff - coms, feedback, questions, check ins etc.
·         However as numbers of students on site increase year levels will move into ‘Step 3’ which is:
“when ~80% of a year level are back on site, both teachers take their own classes and the kids off site are fed through the engagements that the kids on-site are doing.

·         Students will be marked P - Onsite Present, R-  Remote Learning present, M - absent medical, B -absent Family. 
·         Teachers will review the absent lists at the end of the day and mark those who have actioned the Remote Learning via Seesaw. 
·         If your child is absent due to sickness or family reasons please let the school know (as per normal procedures) by emailing the teacher / office / or phoning the schools absentee line (85225740 Option #2).

·         Is operating and open for Before School Care 7am to 8.30am and After School Care 3.25pm to 6.00pm. 
·         Please book online via   If you need to amend any current bookings for this week please contact
·         Lost Property items from Vac Care:  there are jumpers, lunch boxes, drink bottles – please come and collect.
·         Scrap Books -  staff regularly complete observations on all children who attend iGOSH.  These observations are glued into their “iGOSH Scrap Books”.  We would love to share these with you so you can see what your child has been doing in iGOSH.  Your support and time in looking at and commenting on these is appreciated.  

·         If you need to re-enter the SEESAW code / QR code, please use the code sent to you via the email on Friday 20 March. 
If you cannot access this please contact your class teacher, the office or

·         We will continue to offer the Subway Lunch on Fridays.  Orders in by Wednesday. 

·         Term 2 is Winter formal uniform style (grey trousers and long sleeve shirt for boys / white blouse and pinafore or skirt for girls), along with sport uniform (summer/winter) on designated days. 
However for the next 2 weeks students can wear summer (if the weather is warm).   
·         To purchase new uniform – the shop is open Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.   Alternatively if you know what items you need you can contact the office staff and order and pay over the phone and we will send home via your child.     

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