Week 5 Term 2 Monday Memos

After some wonderful cold days, didn't today greet us with some wonderful sunshine. Here are a few key points for the Senior Unit this week.

List 14 this week from the appropriate set of lists.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden:
We are off and running again but our focus has changed a little. 
Also, we are seeking some support by asking for volunteers to wash the aprons after each week. They are getting well used and need a regular clean to remain hygienic week to week. If you are able to help, we would love to hear from you. It would be great to be able to put a roster together for the final five weeks of cooking. There will be around 36 aprons each week.

Homework Reminder:
We don't expect a lot but we encourage all students to complete their spelling for the week, get at least 1000 Mathletics points and reading.
It has been noticeable that engagement has fallen away. It can make a big difference to students if they are willing to put in the effort. 

Whole School Info

  • If your child is absent on a day please let the office know via phone or email or email your class teacher with details.  
  • We continue to ask that parents do not go into classrooms in the mornings/afternoons and simply drop students and leave / collect students at the end of the day and head home.


National Simultaneous Storytime Wednesday 27 May 2020

This year’s book is  “Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas” by Lucinda Gifford and all classes will read via a virtual event.  Click here to find out about the book.


National Reconciliation Week is from 27 May to 3 June 2020

  • The theme for the week is “We are all in this together".
  • Thursday 28 May will be a day filled with special activities and students can dress in casual clothes with a splash of BLACK and/or RED and/or YELLOW.

Worship & Praise T2  

  • Every Friday students have participated in Worship and Praise via i-movies and virtual presentations.  We have uploaded these onto our website so families can view them from home.   Click here to view. 


  • We have opened the Library today so students can borrow books to read, however at this stage they will not be able to go home. 


  • Term 2 is Winter formal uniform style (grey trousers and long sleeve shirt for boys / choice of white blouse & pinafore or skirt or the new navy blue slacks & white shirt for girls), along with sport uniform (summer/winter) on designated days.  F&Yr 1s only need sport.   If your child is not wearing the correct uniform on designated days, you need to send a note or email to the teacher.



  • Please remember to book online for the week ahead by 2pm on Friday.  If you book after this time you need to contact katrinap@ilsg.sa.edu.au  as bookings are finalised and attendance pages printed at 2pm each Friday (therefore your child will not show on their lists).   This late booking is charged at the casual rate, whilst the online early booking is charged at a regular rate. 
  • All children who arrive into iGOSH in the mornings are to sanitize their hands at the front desk before they enter the service. Please remind your child this routine each morning as you sign them in.  When children arrive into iGOSH in the afternoon, they all wash & sanitize their hands after they have signed in.
  • The next Vacation Care is for 3 weeks (Monday 29 June to Friday 17 July).  The program will be sent home via students and be available on the school website from Wednesday 3 June. Bookings will then be able to be made online until around 19th June.  We are still waiting to see if we can do excursions and incursions, otherwise the program will be just home days. Katrina will let you know more soon.  Accounts need to be below $500 to use the service for these holidays.


 LLL Student Banking Accounts

  • The LLL have extended their start of year promotion enabling all new Children’s Savings Accounts opened before 31 May will get $25 kick start. 
  • Click here to learn more.


Gawler Youth – coordinated through Gawler Council have lots of virtual programs for young children and parents. 

Head to their website at http://youth.gawler.sa.gov.au/programs/
“Help I’m a Parent” provides free parent webinars with Dr Naomi Rutten http://youth.gawler.sa.gov.au/programs/help-im-a-parent

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