Week 6 Term 2 Monday Memos

Over halfway though the term and the push is now on to learn all we can before the mid year holidays. Here are the bits you need to know...

List 15 for both spelling groups

Graduation Tops 
In the next few days a letter will be going out detailing the cost and process to take if students want graduation tops this year. Like previous years, the aim is to have existing sports uniform t-shirts printed on over a holiday period. Due to Covid19 we are a term behind in this but would still like to offer it to students. Stay tuned for the letter

Mr S taking some time out
Mr Semmler is going on long service leave for the final two weeks of this term and the first week of Term 3. It planned that Mr Matthew Window, whom many of the students are familiar with, will be here to cover Mr Semmler across these three weeks. 

Whole School Info

  • If your child is absent on a day please let the office know via phone or email or email your class teacher with details.  
  • As we enter the cooler months, with it comes the runny noses, coughs and colds.  To assist parents with finding the most up-to-date information, we suggest the SA Health website and Facebook page. These sites are regularly updated with current health information and guidance. Please visit www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

This link here shows some picture cards to help with school exclusion periods.

  • Enjoy the upcoming long weekend celebrating the Queens birthday holiday on Monday 8 June. 


Working with Children Checks (WWCC)

  • This government requirement was introduced 1 July 2019.      
  • All National Police Checks will not be valid after 30 June 2020.   Many of our school parents / volunteers still hold the NPC so to continue volunteering on site at Immanuel please update your check to the WWCC.   The check can be initiated via emailing jennyj@ilsg.sa.edu.au with your name and date of birth.  It is free as a volunteer. 

Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) Volunteer Training

  • Daryl Trigg will host VSC training sessions on Weds 17 June at 2.30pm or 6.30pm in the staffroom (limited numbers).
  • Please register by contacting the office or emailing jennyj@ilsg.sa.edu.au
  • We have revised the policy for VSC Training where parents will need to attend their first VSC training session face to face with the Principal and then renew the training every 3 years via an online session.    Please contact Jenny for the details on how to renew online.



  • Please remember to name all school green jumpers and rugby tops, drink bottles and lunch boxes.  Then if something is lost we can easily return it. 



  • The next lot of school holidays is for a 3 week break (Monday 29 June to Friday 17 July).  iGOSH’s program will be emailed home to parents on Wednesday 3 June and bookings can be make online from 5pm 3/6 to 5pm 17/6.  The program will consist of incursions and home days (no excursions).  The program is open to all families to access.   Accounts need to be below $500 to use the service for these holidays.


 LLL Student Banking Accounts & Annual Interest

  • On 31st May interest will be added to all LLL deposit accounts.  Please send in your child's bankbook to the office and  we will forward to the LLL for updating and auditing.    To apply for a LLL Bank Book you can obtain an application form via the school office, or direct from the LLL website www.lll.org.au


National Reconciliation Week 27 May to 3 June 2020

  • This was celebrated at Immanuel last week with lots of fun activities.   We included lots of photos and info in last week’s newsletter.  Click here to read again. 

Worship & Praise T2  

  • Every Friday students have participated in Worship and Praise via i-movies and virtual presentations.  We have uploaded these onto our website so families can view them from home.   Click here to view. 


Instrumental Mini Concerts – virtual audience  

  • Immanuel’s Music Students will perform their mini recess concerts
  • Term 2 week 8
  • Click here to read more and register your attendance via zoom


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