Monday memos Week 9 Term 2


Good Evening.

Time is flying by! 

This Friday is the day to bring in your school polo shirt to be printed in the holidays. Lots of people have placed their orders. If you still would like to order have it to me by Friday.  

On Friday students who wear their polo shirt for PE lesson may bring a personal t-shirt from home to change into at 3.15 and leave their school top with me to launder.

On Thursday students will be having Mrs. Tilbrook for music lessons as Mr. Heuppauff is away on long service leave. Formal uniform as usual.

This week we are being explorers and creating our own experiments in UOI. 

Students are inventing questions to be tested, a hypothesis to propose and gathering results to make conclusions. No-one should be bringing items from home for this to take place. 

 What do you say to a smartly dressed cactus? You look sharp!

 Have a great week!

Whole School Info

·         This is the last week of Term 2.  School breaks up on Friday 26 June at 3.25pm (normal time) and we have a 3 week holiday break.  Term 3 returns Monday 20 July

·         We wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday break 

·         Staff will be onsite next week undertaking some PD on Maths, Conceptual Learning, Assessment and a Spiritual Retreat Day

·         Semester 1 Reports will be emailed to parents next Monday 29 June (in place of the paper copy).  These have been modified in response to changes due to Corona Virus issues 

 Building works

  • The new upper primary building works will commence over the school holidays.  This will affect how visitors and children attending iGOSH can enter / leave the school over the next 3 weeks and into the new term. 

·         The Lyndoch Road and Daly Street carpark gates will be locked

·         Visitors / families are to park in the staff carpark and walk through the gates near the lemon tree and then across the bottom oval and up the stairs

·         iGOSH entrance and sign in desk will be at Mr Semmler’s classroom door

·         Front office entrance will be shown via signage & directions

  • Daryl has posted an update announcement via SeeSaw that gives a bit more detail.

Term 3

·         We are expecting many Covid restrictions will be lifted for schools from term 3.  We will keep you updated on what events can begin again. 

·         Rhythm Kids with Mr Hueppauff will start again on the first day back (Mon 20 July) 9am to 9.45am for pre-schoolers aged 3-5yrs

·         ICAS Test competitions will start in August.  These are optional for students in yr 2-6.  Click here to read further information.  Entry forms need to be returned by T3 W1 Friday 24 July. 

Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) - Volunteer Training for parents / friends

  • Weds 24 June at 2.30pm in the staffroom with Daryl.  We request that all parents who want to help with excursions, camps and class activities have a current VSC certificate. 
  • We have revised the policy where parents will need to attend their first VSC training session face to face with the Principal and then can renew the training every 3 years via an online session.    Please contact Jenny for the details on how to renew online.
  • Working with Children Checks (WWCC)

  • A reminder that National Police Checks will not be valid after 30 June 2020  so many of our school parents need to update their check to the WWCC so they can volunteer in a school.  This is a government requirement introduced 1 July 2019.      
  • The WWCC check can be initiated via emailing with your name and date of birth.  It is free as a volunteer. 


iGOSH Vacation Care Program

  • We have high attendance numbers for the 3 weeks of holiday care and some days are now completely full.
    If parents need to make cancellations, changes or book a casual day please email or phone 0447 661 555 
  • Confirmation of holiday bookings and consent forms were sent home last Friday 19 June and need to be signed and returned to iGOSH by this Friday.   Please read carefully what your child needs to bring for each day (eg recess/lunch or what to wear)
  • As per above building works info please note there is changed access into the IGOSH building.  There will be no entry via the Lyndoch Rd gate or Daly St Gate.     The iGOSH sign in area will be at the entrance of Mr Semmler’s room (Senior Unit at the top of the stairs from the bottom oval)
  • Bookings for Term 3 before and after school care is now open.  T3 W1 bookings close 2pm Fri 17 July 
  • Term 4 finishes on Weds 9 Dec.  iGOSH will be available from Thurs 10 Dec through to Fri 18 Dec 2020.  Then closed for Christmas and New Year, reopening on Monday 4 January 2021.   
  • Other information on iGOSH can be found on the schools website at

Uniform / Lost property

  • There are so many lost rugby jumpers in the office with no names.  If you are missing something come have a look.  Please use the holiday time to check your child’s clothing and ensure all jumpers, rugby tops, hats, lunch boxes and drink bottles are clearly named, (and your child isn’t wearing someone else’s).   


 Worship & Praise

  • Last Friday T2 W8 – Emma Lange and various students presented Worship and Praise focusing on "Refugees" and "Helping other people".  It is uploaded onto our website so families can view it from home.  Click here to view.  

Canned Food Collection drive

  • Richie Cochrane and the school community is eager to support the Lutheran Community Care Winter Appeal by inviting students and families to donate cans of food to help those in our community who are doing it tough at the moment.   
    (eg canned spaghetti, soup, tuna, fruit, vegies, etc)
  • Students can start bringing cans in from Term 3 Week 1.  You can bring in as many as you wish and place in the boxes on the Taikondi stage.
  • We’ll have a little bit of friendly rivalry amongst the schools House Team groups and see which House Team will donate the most?  


Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Acceptable Use Agreement for F – Yr 3 students

  • Following the process for Year 4-6 students, Immanuel staff feel it is also important that Junior Primary students make a formal commitment to be a responsible user of ICT (Information Communication Technology) and therefore complete an ICT Acceptable Use Agreement Form. These forms will be given to F-Year 3 students tomorrow. Please read and discuss the responsibilities outlined on the form with your child and ensure they fully understand the importance of using ICT responsibly at school. With Semester 1 coming to a close and moving into Semester 2 with some exciting ICT opportunities on the horizon, we feel the timing is perfect.

eSafety Commissioner

Peaceful Kids Program – free Parent Information Session Mon 6 July 2020. 

Facilitated by Andrea White - click here to read more or go her website at

Gawler Youth Space offer lots of July School Holiday Programs for kids  

All information is available on the Gawler Council website at and is now open for bookings




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