Monday Memos Term 3 Week 1

Good afternoon everyone,

The Year 6 tops look terrific!

APOLOGIES I have made an error with the schedules for this term-
 Uniform days: Sport - Monday, Thursday and Friday
Formal - Tuesday and Wednesday

Unit of Inquiry :We began our new unit today on Energy in Nature. This weeks task is below.

Create a mini documentary/oral information report on an energy in nature.
Include type of energy, an explanation of the natural phenomenon, the effects of the natural phenomenon on the Earth and people and any other thinking you have had.

Have a great week!

Whole School Info

Welcome back to term 3.  We hope everyone is refreshed after a 3 week break


Building works

The new upper primary building works (called the CU2 program) has now commenced.  There will be workman and their vehicles onsite daily.  Therefore areas around the work site have been barricaded off to all staff and students.   

These changes include:

  • The senior unit building entrance is only via the door next to water fountain
  • Staff carparking driveway is closed and staff will have other designated areas to park
  • We will open the Oval for parents to park on in the afternoon
  • Bottom oval is now closed  
  • Library has been moved into the Admin Building (staff room)
  • Staff room is now in room 6 (off of Taikondi)


W & P on Fridays / Assemblies Monday W4 & 8  

These will return in term 3 for students to meet altogether in Taikondi, however parents/caregivers will not be able to attend (for the time being).   
We will continue to record and upload these onto our website for families to view from home. 


Gawler Lutheran Church will now hold their regular Sunday Family Worship at Immanuel School in Taikondi at 10.30am.  All families are welcome to join in.  Please arrive from 10am to sign in and find a seat. 


Parents Volunteering in classrooms

We will not yet resume parents coming into classrooms, and so morning reading is still in hiatus.


Rhythm Kids

Mr Hueppauff will resume this group again this term every Monday morning 9am to 9.45am for pre-schoolers aged 3-5yrs (and their parent).


Junior Youth (for Yr 4,5,6’s)

We will let you know when this can resume


Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • Mr Cochrane has organised a schedule for this term’s circle time program focusing on developing positive and pro-social values. 
  • This week’s focus is on Honesty or Not Cheating


ICAS Test competitions

  • These optional test for students in yr 2-6 will start in August.  Click here to read further information
  • Entry forms and payment need to be returned to the office by this Friday 24 July


Semester 1 Reports were emailed to parents on Monday 29 June (in place of the paper copy). 
If you did not get the email please contact your teacher or the front office.   


Hot Potato Lunch for students

  • Next Friday 31 July
  • P&F will organise this special lunch (in place of Subway).  Order forms out soon. 


Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) - Volunteer Training for parents / friends

  • VSC Training will be offered on Weds 5 August at 2.30pm and Thurs 6 August at 6.30pm in the staffroom with Daryl.  We request that all parents who want to help with excursions, camps and class activities have a current VSC certificate. 
  • We have revised the policy where parents will need to attend their first VSC training session face to face with the Principal and then can renew the training every 3 years via an online session.    Please contact Jenny for the details on how to renew online.
  • All volunteers in a school must also have a Working with Children Check (WWCC)  
    The WWCC check can be initiated via emailing with your name and date of birth.  It is free as a volunteer. 


iGOSH Vacation Care Program

  • Access into IGOSH room is via the front door (as per normal)
  • Online bookings for each week close at 2pm on the Friday prior.  Any changes or new bookings then need to be made direct with Katrina via phone or email.
  • We had a busy 3 week holiday program.  We hope everyone had fun.  There is lots of lost property – please come and collect.     
  • Term 4 2020 finishes on Weds 9 Dec.  iGOSH will be available from Thurs 10 Dec through to Fri 18 Dec 2020.  Then closed for Christmas and New Year, reopening on Monday 4 January 2021.   
  • Other information on iGOSH can be found on the schools website at


Canned Food Collection drive

  • Richie Cochrane and the school community is eager to support the Lutheran Community Care Winter Appeal by inviting students and families to donate cans of food to help those in our community who are doing it tough at the moment.   
    (eg canned spaghetti, soup, tuna, fruit, vegies, etc)
  • Students can bring in as many cans as they wish and place in the boxes on the Taikondi stage.
  • We’ll have a little bit of friendly rivalry amongst the schools House Team groups and see which House Team will donate the most?  


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