Monday Memos Week 7 Term 3

We say good luck to all the families involved in concert and hope the students put on a wonderful show like they did on Friday during the dress rehearsal. On to things more Senior Unit related...


We have begun the process of today and will be working towards setting up groups and areas of inquiry in the next two to three weeks. 

If you would like to keep tabs on what is happening, follow our Exhibition Journal using the link below:


Students are looking at List 25

Circle Time - It's Ok to be different

We started some great discussions today about cultural diversity. It would be great for students to know more of their ancestry. If you get a chance, maybe you could share more stories or understandings with them.

Whole School Info

Concert is now here for F-3 students

  • Foundation Concert on Tuesday 1 September  Matinee at 2.30pm and Evening at 6.30pm
  • Year 1 Concert on Wednesday 2 September Matinee at 2.30pm and Evening at 6.30pm
  • Year 2 and 3 Concert on Thursday 3 September Matinee at 2.30pm and Evening at 6.30pm
  • There are still a few seats available if you require extra tickets.  Please contact the office to book these extra tickets. 
  • Matinee concert concludes at 3.25pm so all parents please be aware of limited carparking when collecting students at the end of day. 
  • Please click here to refer to extra information about concert (eg. carparking, seating, times, etc)

Friday 4 September is a Student Free Day for all students – please enjoy the day off. 

Sunday 6 September

“Happy Father’s Day” to all our dads, grandpas and special people.  Have a wonderful day!

Daffodil Day

We raised $490 last Friday.  Thank you to everyone for supporting this with the gold coin donations for cancer council. 

Jelly Bean Jar competition

There were 174 beans, and the winner is Torah H (in Foundation) who counted 173.  Congratulations!

ICAS Spelling and Maths tests will be conducted this week for those students who registered

Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s focus is on “It’s OK to be different


  • Student Free Day is this Friday.  Bookings have closed, however if you need care for the day please ring or email Katrina, we do have spots available. Consent forms came home today. Please fill them in and return by Thursday.
  • The Sept/Oct Vacation Care Program was sent home with students last Friday. You can click here to view it from our website.   Bookings can now be made up till Friday 18 September at 2pm.
    We have decided to offer 2 excursions these holidays, but these may change depending on the current situation and if restrictions change.

Last vac care fees will need to be paid before you can access this holiday time care and accounts are not to be over $500.  Your prompt payment of your account is appreciated

  • In a few weeks we have planned an activity for the children, making habitats. We are in need of some shoe boxes. If you have any that you would like to get rid of please drop them at iGOSH or at the front office.
  • Please continue to hang your child’s bag up each morning when they arrive. They cannot be left on the floor in front of the door.

Scholastic Book Club

  • Orders for issue 6 catalogue are due back by next Tuesday 8 Sept

Coming up this term

Movie Night Friday 11 September (for families).  Details out soon. 

Cheese Burger lunch deal Monday 14 September.  Order forms out soon. 

Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday 15 to Friday 18 September.  See this week’s Newsletter (Friday 4 Sept) for open times.

Lost Jumpers

  • There are so many rugby jumpers in the office lost property box with no name.  Please remember to clearly name your child’s clothing items. 

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