Monday Memos Week 10 Term 3
Last week of Term 3 means the finish line for Primary Schooling is in sight. A few key things to mull over and know about next term... Exhibition We hope to have Central Ideas and Lines of Inquiry worked out this week with groups so students can head off to holidays with a clear mindset of where they are going with their inquiry. Also, hit up the link below for our class journal showing the Exhibition process. Great for starting discussions at home. Bike Ed This is happening Week One . Students can’t wear sports uniform all week. Bringing in bikes: students are encouraged to bring their bike in on Tuesday morning so it can be checked over by the RAA. If you wish to bring the bike in on Monday before or after school, feel free to. If you can bring your bikes in nice and early on the Tuesday or on the Monday, it means the RAA can check and service bikes straight away. They will be here from 8am to commence working on bikes. We will ...