Monday Memos Week 10 Term 3

Last week of Term 3 means the finish line for Primary Schooling is in sight. A few key things to mull over and know about next term...


We hope to have Central Ideas and Lines of Inquiry worked out this week with groups so students can head off to holidays with a clear mindset of where they are going with their inquiry. Also, hit up the link below for our class journal showing the Exhibition process.

Great for starting discussions at home.

Bike Ed 

This is happening Week One. Students can’t wear sports uniform all week.

Bringing in bikes: students are encouraged to bring their bike in on Tuesday morning so it can be checked over by the RAA. If you wish to bring the bike in on Monday before or after school, feel free to. If you can bring your bikes in nice and early on the Tuesday or on the Monday, it means the RAA can check and service bikes straight away. They will be here from 8am to commence working on bikes.

We will house bikes in a locked area for the week so students can leave their bikes here. If students wish to ride their bikes to and from school, they are more than welcome to.

Camp - Port Vincent

We are looking at heading away on camp during Week 6 next term from Wednesday to Friday. This camp will see us involved in an aquatics program for the three days we are there. This includes sailing and knee boarding as some of our activities. The cost of the camp will be $300 per student. 

Stay tuned for notes to be coming out this week.

Andrew McDonough - Author & Illustrator 

We had a bit of fun Friday afternoon. It was nice to see some creative juices flowing and people getting out of their comfort zones and drawing some McDonough inspired critters.

Whole School Info


Term 3 concludes this Friday 25 September, normal dismissal time.    We wish you all a safe and happy holiday break.  


Term 4 returns Monday 12 October.   Term 4 is a 9 week term and concludes Wednesday 9 December. 


The Gawler Veteran, Vintage & Classic Vehicle Club

The annual “Gawler to Barossa Veteran & Vintage Run” is Sunday 11 October 2020 departing from Immanuel School Gawler.

Cars arrive from 7.00am with breakfast being served from 7.00am to 9.00am. 

Official opening 9.00am and then the cars take to the road at 9.30am

School families welcome to come have a browse and watch the start.

We are looking for a few volunteers to help with the breakfast.  Please let Simon, Dwayne or the office know if you can help. 



Sept/Oct Vacation Care.  Although bookings are now closed you can still book in for some days by contacting Katrina Ponte direct (a $10 surcharge will be applied).  Confirmations and Consent forms have been sent home today. Please sign the consent form and return to school by the end of the week. 

With the UV rating creeping up over the next few weeks, hats will be compulsory this vac care. Your child will need to bring one each day they attend, if not then we will issue you a school hat with the cost of $10 charged to your account. We have our hat trolley that is fully stocked with lots of children’s hats. Please come past and have a look to see if your child has a hat ready for the holidays. We will also apply sunscreen through the day.


Summer Uniform – Term 4

Just a reminder to check your child’s summer uniform items ready for next term.    Remember to have the hat ready too. 

The uniform shop is open Monday mornings (8.30-9.15am) and Friday afternoons (3-3.45pm) for purchases.

There is a new formal uniform choice for girls consisting of navy blue skorts and white blouse    

Click here to read our school uniform policy and click here to download a pricelist and order form


School Bus–  will not be available on Friday 25 September for the normal to/from school run (last day of term)


Wellbeing and Circle Time

This week’s focus is on “Being Friendly and Including others”


Gawler Mayors Christmas Card Competition 2020

Students from Found to Year 5 can enter this annual competition, our school students has always done well in previous years

Entries due back to Gawler Council by this Friday 25 Sept.

Click here to read more details / download the entry form 


Family Photo Session (P&F fundraiser)

Do you need a new family portrait?  If so you may be interested in a $20 photo session which includes a 8x10 print.   

When: Sat 7 Nov & Sun 8 Nov at an outdoor venue  

With who:  Rachael Anne Photography -  click here for contact details

Please book by Friday 30 October to secure a spot.


Peaceful Kids Program

Andrea White facilitates this Mindfulness and Positive Psychology program for students  

She will hold this 8 week course at Immanuel on a Thursday in T4 2020 and still has vacancies.   

Click here to read more about the program and register your interest either direct to Andrea or to the school office.


Book Week 2020

Theme “Curious Creatures, Wild Minds”

Term 4 Week 2 with Thursday 22 October dress up day

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