Monday Memos Week 2 Term 4

Thank you P&F and Radical Reptiles for an ‘up-scaled’ afternoon this afternoon. Was a really interesting and positively challenging session looking at reptiles of all sizes and species. 

Exhibition                                                                                                                                     We power on looking for answers and ways to help. Speaking of help, you could help out a few of the Exhibition groups by completing the surveys below.

The effects of graffiti on the community -
The impacts of fruit fly
Your thoughts on palm oil
Implications of pandemics on mental health -

Also, if you could pass some or all of these on through your circles of associates or social media outlets, that would be great.

Don’t forget to hit up our Exhibition Journal for what’s been happening along our journey. Here is the link...

Thank you to all those who have returned camp forms. We are interested in bringing a couple parent volunteers with us. If you are available and are up to date with your volunteer training at school (and interested to come along), let your child’s class teacher know ASAP.

Bike Ed
Everyone did a fantastic job and rode well. Wonderful listening and instruction following by the students. Thank you Bike SA!

Whole School Info


2021 Class Placements

At this time each year we ask for any input from families around class placement for 2021.  Generally this input will be around learning needs and information that will help us place students in class groups for maximum success. We ask that families refrain from ‘requesting teachers’ especially as teaching staff can change (due to either leaving our school or changing grades).     

This year we ask parents to provide their input via logging onto and enter the code  cftqc.  This will enable all comments given to us in the one place (versus an email to Daryl in the past).   Please provide any information by Monday 26 October.

If you are not returning to Immanuel in 2021 (other than moving into a secondary school) please be reminded that a terms notice is required. 


Immanuel Gawler Feedback / Information Survey Term 4 2020

Last Tuesday an email was sent to all families asking you to complete a short survey through survey monkey.    Your input will greatly help us as we make decisions/plans for 2021 and beyond.   

Please complete by COB Tuesday 27 October 2020.


Book Week 2020 is here!

The theme is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds

Lots of exciting surprises planned for everyone in the library, plus a session from Radicool Reptiles for all year levels.


Book Week Dress Up Day & Parade is on Thursday 22 October. 

Students are encouraged to dress up for the day as a favourite book character or something which fits this year’s theme 

There will be a costume class parade mid-morning,  however due to Covid regulations we cannot invite parents to attend.  

We will film the event and provide a link emailed home so parents can watch.  


October is National Dyslexia Awareness Month

It is about raising awareness about Dyslexia and celebrating the gifts and talents that students with dyslexia possess.  

To celebrate at Immanuel there will be several class activities plus: 

On Friday 23 October students can wear a splash of RED (& bring a gold coin donation)

Guess “how many lollies are in the jar” competition @ 50c a go, in the office till 2 November

Money raised will go to purchase dyslexia friendly resources.

Code Read is a not for profit organisation in support of Dyslexia awareness, run by volunteers and donating funds helps run campaigns and projects. If you would like to learn more or donate, please click on this link.


Scholastic Book Club

Orders for issue 7 catalogues are due back by Friday 23 October.  


P&F Meeting is tonight Monday 19 October at 7pm in the Admin building – all welcome!

We are planning for:

Disco Friday 30 October for students.  F/1’s  3.45-4.30pm;  2/3’s  6.00-7.15pm;  4,5,6’s 7.30-8.45pm

Bingo Night  Friday 6 November for families


Family Photo Session (P&F fundraiser)

There are still a few spots remaining in the $20 family photo session which includes a 8x10 print.  

When: Sat 7 Nov & Sun 8 Nov at an outdoor venue (Dead Mans Pass Gawler) 

With who:  Rachael Anne Photography -  click here for contact details

Please book by Friday 30 October to secure a spot.


Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) - Volunteer Training for parents / friends

Next Weds 28 October at 2.30pm and 6.30pm in the admin building with Daryl.  This is a  requirement for parents and family members wanting to volunteer at Immanuel,  (eg attending excursions, camps & class activities).

The Working with Children Check (WWCC) is also a Government requirement to volunteer or work in a school environment.  The WWCC check can be initiated via emailing with your name and date of birth.  It is free as a volunteer. 


 Wellbeing and Circle Time

This week’s topic is “Fears are different from one person to the next”



The Year 6 students are completing group inquiries on issues in our world. They are looking for people's opinions on different topics. If you have a spare minute or two, could you please complete some of their surveys below. Your help will be appreciated.

The effects of graffiti on the community -

The impacts of fruit fly -

Your thoughts on palm oil -

Implications of pandemics on mental health -



·         Online Bookings for this week have closed. Please ring or email Katrina for bookings this week, although you will incur the $10 late booking fee.    Please go online and book for future weeks. Bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead.

·         A reminder that children will need to have hats if they want to play outside at iGOSH

·         iGOSH will be available during Dec/Jan school holiday time from Thurs 10 Dec through to Fri 18 Dec 2020.  Then closed for Christmas and New Year, reopening on Monday 4 January 2021.   


End of 2020 Year Arrangements

Our last school day for 2020 is Wednesday 9 December

The End of Year and Graduation Service will be held that day.  However due to Covid regulations still in place at this stage we cannot yet advise if parents will be able to attend

Celebration Evening for Yr 6’s will be on the Thursday evening 10 December. 

iGOSH will start the school holiday program from Thursday 10 December

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