Monday Memos Week 6 Term 1

Welcome to another week in the Senior Unit. Hope you all have some relaxing plans set in place for the upcoming long weekend. Here is some Senior Unit intel to consider before you get there...

Learning Conferences

The Senior Unit Learning Conferences will be held in the library due to our shared space with iGosh. For those unaware, our library is in the back section of the administration block. (Directly across the back of the building site)

Maths Tomorrow

Can students please bring in tomorrow a disposable container that can be used for measuring liquids (ie milk bottle etc)


The Canberra camp is booked for Saturday the 22nd May to Friday the 28th May. As there is still plenty of planning going on behind the scenes a final cost cannot be calculated yet. Using what we know and a few estimates, the final cost will be around $650. When we have the exact details we will let you know the exact cost. 

As we get closer to the date and have more information finalised, we will share more information in greater detail.


This week is List 5, looking at the prefixes for 7,8,9


Great to see some students smashing this out each week. Every bit students can do is a benefit to their learning and understandings.

Whole School Update…

Learning Conferences Term 1 

  • Thanks for booking a Learning Conference on either:

Tuesday 2 March 3.30 to 6pm, Thursday 4 March  3.30 to 8pm, Wednesday 10 March 3.30 to 6pm. 

  • If you didn’t get to book, please contact your teacher or the office (as the booking system is now closed)
  • There will be a free sausage sizzle offered to everyone in the courtyard outside the library on each of the days.  This will be run by our specialist teachers, so this will be a good opportunity for you to catch up with these teachers, find out about what has been happening with specialist lessons this term and talk to specialists teachers about your child too.

Worship and Praise

Friday 5 March starting at 9.30am.

  • Mr Richie Cochrane will be presenting.

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system

SchoolBookings - Home

School Interviews

and enter the code n5k9s

Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s topic is Choose your own Adventure.

iGOSH Information

  • Last week an email was sent to all iGOSH families regarding Collection Authority update. Please reply to the email with 3 persons that you give permission to collect your child(ren) from iGOSH without showing photo ID. These are not including parents. Anyone else who may need to collect your child(ren), please let the Katrina know before the time and they will need to produce photo ID.
  • The next Vacation Care program will be out to families on Tuesday 9 March. A paper copy will be sent home, plus it will be on the school website. Bookings will open at 5pm on that day, then close Friday 26th March at 2pm.
  • There has been a change to the Vacation Care Fees, starting these holidays. We will now offer permanent and casual vac care bookings / fees, similar to term fees. This means there will not be the extra $10 per day per child booking fee for late bookings which was not claimable with CCS. Therefore with these new fees, the whole amount is claimable.

Permanent vac care bookings are classed as those that are made by the due date (so these holidays is 26th March). 
Casual bookings are those made after this date and during the holidays.

The new fees are:



Home Day









  • A reminder that accounts need to be under $500 and previous vac cares paid before using it for the next vac care.
  • In this Fridays newsletter will be a ‘Meet the iGOSH staff flier”. We have had some changes to staff this year and I would like to introduce the team to you. We have had Harmony and Kayla leave to pursue their teaching careers and so we welcome Alicia and Brayden.

Long Weekend

  • Enjoy the rest over the Adelaide Cup Long Weekend.  See you back to school Tuesday 9 March.

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