Monday Memos Week 2 Term 3

Here we go and it is already Week 2. Seems strange after having four days working from home. 


List 17, the ‘ai’ sound


We are currently working on our How the World Works Unit under the Central Idea of Energy in Nature. In this unit we are looking at sources of energy in our world but also how humans can harness that energy.

Here is the other info floating around the general population…

Whole School Update…


We hope and pray that everyone is doing well throughout this unprecedented time.   

  • With the message today from the Premier that South Australia’s lockdown will finish at midnight on Tuesdaywe are preparing for in-person schooling to commence on Wednesday.   We know that there have been a number of COVID-19 exposure sites in and around Gawler and that some people may be keeping students at home beyond Tuesday due to quarantine or other COVID-related factors.

·         To assist us in our planning, please inform your classroom teacher by email if your child WILL NOT be at school on WednesdayThursday or Friday this week


Visitors onsite 

  • It will continue to be vital that all staff, contractors and visitors, including parents/caregivers, use the COVID-Safe check-in whenever entering school grounds.   
  • Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services (allied health professionals, construction and maintenance workers).  If parents/caregivers need to enter the office, they will need to check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet.
  • Music tutors will also be allowed to access school buildings and music lessons can continue to take place.
  • No school events involving parents/caregivers/guests will be held during Week 2.  We will update again for Week 3.  


Covid Symptoms

It remains essential that staff, students, and others do not come on the school site if they are unwelland that they get tested for COVID-19 if they have any of the following symptoms, even if mild:

  • fever or chills
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • shortness of breath
  • loss of taste or smell
  • diarrhoea and vomiting.

This direction will need to be observed even if staff, students or visitors have returned a negative COVID-19 test as the spreading of colds, flu or other illnesses with these symptoms will impact on other members of the school community and their ability to attend work or school. 



  • New bookings or booking amendments for this week (Weds, Thurs, Fri) will close at 10am tomorrow morning (Tues).  
  • We are still under strict guidelines to keep parents out of the rooms the children are in. So when signing your children in and out, please wait near the front desk or outside. We will collect your children for you. Please do not walk into the iGOSH rooms.
  • Bookings for next week will close at 2pm this Friday.  You can book in after that via contacting Katrina direct.  Late bookings are charged at casual rates.


PLP Meetings and Learning Conferences Term 3

With the disruption caused by lockdown, there will be a change to our schedules for PLP meetings and Student Learning Conferences

  • Student PLP meetings will be held in Week 4 (with some classes holding meetings in Week 3 as well). Your child’s classroom teacher will be in touch to arrange a time with you or to let you know about booking a time through our booking system. These meetings will take place on Zoom/Microsoft Teams or by telephone.
  • Student Learning Conferences will now be held in Week 5 (Tuesday 17 & Thursday 19 August) and Week 6 (Wednesday 25 August). If you have a PLP meeting for your child, you will not need to make a booking for a Learning Conference. 
     about how to book the Learning Conferences will be forwarded to you early next week.


Subway Lunches 

  • We will not resume Subway orders this week  


Worship and Praise 

  • Due to COVID-19 restrictions and demolition work in Taikondi, this Friday’s Worship and praise led by Emma Lange will be watched by classes in digital format.   
  • A link will be forwarded home allowing parents to watch the recorded W&P.   


Premiers Reading Challenge

  • Lockdown is a good opportunity to do some reading for the Premier’s Reading Challenge.  Students in Years F-3 are taking part as a class.  Those students in Years 4-6 who are taking part, have until Friday 3 September to complete their reading for the Challenge.


ICAS Test competitions

  • These optional test for students in yr 2-6 will start in August.  Click here to read further information
  • Registrations for these have now closed.  


Some Term 3 Diary Dates 

  • Valuing Safe Communities (Volunteer Training)  Wednesday 4 August. (This will be postponed until later this term)
  • Pizza Lunch – Thursday 12 August  (Postponed) 
  • Disco Night - Friday 13 August  (This will be confirmed and information out soon). 
  • School photos - Wednesday 18 August  
  • PIE Night - (Parent Initiative in Education) - Friday 20 August  (This will be confirmed and information out soon). 
  • Book Week - Mon 23 to Fri 27 August
  • School Concert – Tues 31 Aug to Thur 2 Sept (This will be confirmed and information out soon). 
  • Student Free Day – Fri 3 Sept
  • Father’s day - Sunday 5 September
  • Sports day – Friday 24 September


School Lane – entering and exiting 

  • If you park in the top deck area (school lane carpark and tennis courts) you should now exit via the driveway through the house yard onto East Terrace.  (This gate will be open at start of day and end of day and locked during the day.) 
  • If you exit School Lane onto Daly Street, please be reminded there is NO RIGHT TURN in the peak morning and afternoon time slots (8-9am and 3-4pm).  SAPOL have advised us they will be monitoring school traffic and penalties including fines and demerit points may be applied should you not observe the traffic restrictions.  (They may be onsite watching any day this week to monitor.)

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