Monday Memos Week 3 Term 3

As things get back to normal in the world of learning here are the things we are aware of that we seek to let you know about…


List 18 - Silent ‘h’

UOI - How We Organise Ourselves

This week we endeavour to vote for our student parliamentary roles. Good luck to all those who have self nominated.

COVID Requirements  - Visitors onsite 

•           It will continue to be vital that all staff, contractors and visitors, including parents/caregivers, use the COVID-Safe check-in whenever entering school  grounds.   

•           Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services (allied health professionals, construction and maintenance workers).  If parents/caregivers need to enter the office, they will need to check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet.

•           Music tutors will also be allowed to access school buildings and music lessons can continue to take place.

•           Parents / Caregivers are respectfully asked not to be on site any more than is necessary.

Covid Symptoms

It remains essential that staff, students, and others do not come on the school site if they are unwell and that they get tested for COVID-19 if they have any of the following symptoms, even if mild:

•           fever or chills

•           cough

•           sore throat

•           runny nose

•           shortness of breath

•           loss of taste or smell

•           diarrhoea and vomiting.

This direction will need to be observed even if staff, students or visitors have returned a negative COVID-19 test as the spreading of colds, flu or other illnesses with these symptoms will impact on other members of the school community and their ability to attend work or school. 


•           Bookings for next week will close at 2pm this Friday.  You can book in after that via contacting Katrina direct.  Late bookings are charged at casual rates.

•           A reminder to please wear a mask, sanitize your hands and sign the QR code when dropping or collecting your children at iGOSH. Please do not enter our service. Thank you

•           All vac care invoices have been emailed. Your prompt payment is appreciated.

•           More observations have been added to Seesaw, so please check your child’s folder to see if you have one there to read. We love your comments, so please leave one.

•           iGOSH is on the hunt for dress ups. If you have any you would like to get rid of, we would love to have them. Drop them of at our room. Thanks IGOSH team

PLP Meetings and Learning Conferences Term 3

With the disruption caused by lockdown, there will be a change to our schedules for PLP meetings and Student Learning Conferences

•           Student PLP meetings will be held in Week 4 (with some classes holding meetings in Week 3 as well).  Your child’s classroom teacher will be in touch to arrange a time with you or to let you know about booking a time through our booking system. These meetings will take place on Zoom/Microsoft Teams or by telephone.

•           Student Learning Conferences will now be held in Week 5 (Tuesday 17 & Thursday 19 August) and Week 6 (Wednesday 25 August).  If you have a PLP meeting for your child, you will not need to make a booking for a Learning Conference. 

A letter about how to book the Learning Conferences has been sent out today or you can click on the attachment to access the booking details.

Subway Lunches 

•           Subway lunches will resume as of this week. If you placed an order last week it will be sent this week on your behalf. 

Worship and Praise 

•           Due to COVID-19 restrictions W and Praise will be for students  (and staff) only this week when Mr Jones’ Yr 4 class leads.

Premiers Reading Challenge

  • Students in Years F-3 are taking part as a class.  Those students in Years 4-6 who are taking part, have until Friday 3 September to complete their reading for the Challenge.

Circle Time

This week our Circle time theme is “Changing bad moods into Good moods/Pleasant feelings”.

Newsletter Olympics Quiz – pg 7

  • Open to all students. Entries close Friday 6th August, please return your entries to the front office.

Some Term 3 Diary Dates 

•           Valuing Safe Communities (Volunteer Training)    - please email Daryl ( if you are looking to undertake /update volunteer training as we will not be proceeding with any face to face training this week. We can however, sort out some on-line access for people to undertake.

•           Pizza Lunch – Postponed

•           Disco Night - Postponed 

•           School photos - Wednesday 18 August  

•           PIE Night - (Parent Initiative in Education) - Friday 20 August  (This will be confirmed and information out soon). 

•           Book Week - Mon 23 to Fri 27 August

•           School Concert – will now be recorded and shared on line 

•           Student Free Day – Fri 3 Sept

•           Father’s day - Sunday 5 September

•           Sports day – Friday 24 September


School Lane – entering and exiting 

•           If you park in the top deck area (school lane carpark and tennis courts) you should now exit via the driveway through the house yard onto East Terrace.  (This gate will be open at start of day and end of day and locked during the day.) 

•           Please DO NOT enter via the East Terrace Driveway – this is an EXIT only.

•           If you exit School Lane onto Daly Street, please be reminded there is NO RIGHT TURN in the peak morning and afternoon time slots (8-9am and 3-4pm).  SAPOL have advised us they will be monitoring school traffic and penalties including fines and demerit points may be applied should you not observe the traffic restrictions.  (They may be onsite watching any day this week to monitor.)

Car Parking – East Tce House driveway

•  We have noticed parents parking across the House/ Senior Unit driveway blocking the access for parents to drive through to East Terrace from inside the school, please be mindful that you are not parked across the driveway at all times when parking in this area.


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