Monday Memos Week 7 Term 3
Now that footy finals have kicked off in the National competition, it’s time for us to kick off with our next Unit of Inquiry… Exhibition. The Exhibition will be based on the theme Sharing the Planet. To get the juices flowing for this, we will be taking the students out on a local excursion making observations on local community issues.
Here are the dot points for the week:
Exhibition Local Excursion:
This excursion will take place tomorrow (Tuesday 31st Aug) and will include walking and a. Us trip through and around the Gawler area. We will be walking a reasonable distance so students can wear their sports uniform for the day.
If you have any concerns about the local excursion for your child, please let us know ASAP.
List 22 - ‘ui’ or ‘u’ for the ‘i’ sound
Examples: business, circuit
Phones @ School
There are a few school protocols not being followed at the moment by a few students with phones. Some of the key points are:
- Students leaving phones in bags during the day
- Students using their phones for purposes other than contacting parents before and after school while on the school site
- General care of their devices. A couple students are just throwing or dropping their phones into the storage container. This not only demonstrates little care for their own phone but also little care for other phones already in the container.
If your child brings their phone to school, can you please have a discussion about these points. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Concert info – from Mr Hueppauff
- Concert for year 4,5,6 students is via seesaw this year
- Your child will be completing their groups item in week 10. This will be filmed by the group, then sent to me via seesaw.
- Once I have seen these items, you will see your child’s group item come up on seesaw. This will be either in week 10 or the following week in the 1st week of holidays.
- The students have been directing their own learning, and have had to think about all the different aspects that come with putting on a show. (Costumes, props, filming location)
- They have also chosen their own item. From dance to drama to puppetry. The only guide line was they had to stick to the year levels theme. We have talked about different aspects of filming, and explored a few filming techniques to make their video better.
- Just to make sure your child is on the right path to an end result in week 10, could you ask them if they have everything they need for the filming of their concert item. Students will need these costumes and props over the next few weeks.
Whole School Info
COVID Requirements
- We continue to ask that Parents / Caregivers are not on site any more than is necessary
- Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services
- Parents/caregivers when entering the school will need to wear a face mask and check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet in the office
- It remains essential that staff, students and others do not come on the school site if they are unwell and that they get tested for COVID-19
- Parents are asked to pass on these school COVID requirements to other family members and friends who may be collecting your child
Dress Up day Parade for National Book Week was held last Friday.
- We had lots of great characters. Well done students (and parents).
- Thanks Mrs Lloyd for coordinating the morning and the awards.
- Click on this link to watch the parade from home.
Book Week 2021.MOV
Father’s Day Stall click here
- Thursday 2 September Immanuel students can purchase a gift and surprise their dad, grandpa or their special person.
- Gifts range from $1 to $5 and each class will visit the stall with their teacher
- We ask that children limit their purchases to max of $10.
- Happy Father’s Day on Sunday 5 September
The weather forecast for Wednesday 1 Sept and Thursday 2 Sept
- Is predicted to reach 27 and 30oC
- Therefore students can choose to wear sports uniform or their summer uniform
Student Free Day - Friday 3 Sept
- This means there is no school for students
- Staff are on site doing some PD
- iGOSH is open 7am to 6pm for those who have booked in
Premiers Reading Challenge – closes Fri 3 Sept
- All forms need to be completed and given to class teachers before this Thurs 2 Sept
Circle Time
- This week’s theme is “anger/uncomfortable feelings”
- Monday 6 September with the Foundation classes
- Unfortunately parents are unable to attend, however a video link will be emailed home to families
Colour Explosion School Fun Run
- The fun run will be held Friday 17 September at 2.10pm
- Students are to wear their sports uniform and ideally wear a white t-shirt during the fun run
- Fundraising for this event can start now via
- Click here to read more information about the event
Sports Day
- Friday 24 September (last day of term 3)
- Venue: Gawler Sports and Community Centre
- Time: 9am to 1.30pm (early dismissal)
- Parents / caregivers can attend, however there is a capacity limit due to Covid requirements
- A bus service is available for those students who cannot get dropped to, or be picked up from the venue (school & iGOSH will be available for this group to the end of day if required)
- To register your attendance and to advise us on your child/rens transport requirements to / from sports day, we ask that all parents complete the questionnaire via our online booking system through and enter the code wzu23. Please do this before Friday 10 September.
Student Free Day on Friday 3 Sept – iGOSH is open 7am to 6pm
- Bookings have closed. Any extra bookings will need to be emailed / call Katrina ASAP
- Children can wear casual clothes
- Confirmation letters come home today
- Cost of the day is $60 (CCS applied)
September / October Vac Care (Mon 27 Oct to Fri 8 Oct)
- The program (click here) was sent home last week and bookings can be made online via up till 2pm Friday 17 Sept.
- Accounts from last Vac care need to be paid and accounts need to be under $500 to use the service for the holiday period. Account reminders have been send out
Casual / Emergency Bookings
- It is essential that you either ring, text or email Katrina when needing to book your child(ren) in. Please do not just turn up with them, especially in the mornings. We staff according to numbers of children and have staff / child ratios we must adhere to. Your help with this is appreciated
Christmas 2021 Closure
- iGOSH will be open Thurs 9 Dec to Thurs 23 Dec 2021
- Closed from 24 Dec to 9 Jan 2022
- Open Mon 10 Jan Jan through to start of school
School Uniform Policy Update
The following changes have been passed by the School Council Committee:
Boys Formal Winter Uniform
- Grey trousers or grey shorts can we worn, however boys wearing formal shorts need to wear the green woolen jumper as well
Extension of Sports Uniform from Fn to Year 3 students
- From 2022 all students in F, 1 & 2 will wear the sports uniform
(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn by year 2 students)
- From 2023 all students in F, 1, 2 & 3 will wear the sports uniform
(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn by year 2 or year 3 students)
The rationale behind this is that the junior primary students need the flexibility that the sports uniform brings, and the upper primary students will benefit from have the contextual variation of formal and sport uniform for various events and formal functions
Other Term 3 Diary Dates
Back up Photo Day - Mon 6 Sept (for those who were absent on Weds 18/8)
SAPSASA Athletics Day – Weds 8 Sept (for selected Yr 4,5,6 students at Lyndoch Oval)
Hot Shots Tennis Carnival – Thurs 9 Sept (for selected Yr 4 students at Gawler Tennis Courts)
Open Morning – Weds 15 Sept at 9.30am
School Concert –recorded & shared on line at the end term 3
End of Term 3 – Fri 24 Sept