Monday Memos Week 10 Term 3
What ever the next thre weeks has in store, we hope you have a wonderful time and the kids enjoy their final holiday of primary schooling. Exhibition It is great to have some fresh topics this year that students haven’t looked into previously at Immanuel. By the end of this week, students should have a idea of what they are inquiring into. Some students will be inspired over the holiday break to do some work on their theme, some won’t. While it is not expected that students do any of their Exhibition work over the break, some students have chosen to do this over the years and have had great success as a result. Below is a list of ways you could help if students are feeling inspired: Help them brainstorm primary sources of information (you may have connections that they haven’t thought or know about) Support them in contacting primary sources of information Support them by driving to a possible excursion site Help them brainstorm possible ways to present Help them learn to create a...