Monday Memos Week 10 Term 3

What ever the next thre weeks has in store, we hope you have a wonderful time and the kids enjoy their final holiday of primary schooling.


It is great to have some fresh topics this year that students haven’t looked into previously at Immanuel. By the end of this week, students should have a idea of what they are inquiring into. Some students will be inspired over the holiday break to do some work on their theme, some won’t. While it is not expected that students do any of their Exhibition work over the break, some students have chosen to do this over the years and have had great success as a result. Below is a list of ways you could help if students are feeling inspired:

  • Help them brainstorm primary sources of information (you may have connections that they haven’t thought or know about)
  • Support them in contacting primary sources of information
  • Support them by driving to a possible excursion site
  • Help them brainstorm possible ways to present
  • Help them learn to create a website

Music (Concert)

Reflections are due by Thursday this week. Mr Hueppauff needs some holiday reading, please complete this task for homework this week.


List 25 - ‘ough’ sound as in doughnut and overwrought

Whole School Info 
This is the last week of Term 3.  We wish all our students and families a safe and happy school holiday time together.  
  • If you are not returning to Immanuel in 2022 (other than moving into a secondary school) please be reminded that a terms notice is required.  Please put this in writing to
  • Early next term we will be asking for input around class placements for 2022.  
Sports Day Reminders
Friday 24 September (last day of term 3)
Venue:  Gawler Sports and Community Centre 
Time:  9am to 1.30pm (early dismissal) 
Program of events is via this link
  • Parents are to drop off their child/ren directly to the above venue between 8.30am and 9am.   Staff members will be at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre from 8.30ammonitoring students being dropped off.   Students being dropped off to school (as noted via the survey) will be transported to the venue by the school bus.  
  • Parents / families / caregivers who are attending above the age of 12 will need to wear masks and follow Covid check-ins and social distancing requirements
  • Sports day concludes at 1.30pm.  Students going home with their parent / caregiver need to be collected from their class teacher.    Those students not going home (as per the survey) will be transported back to school via the school bus and take part in an afternoon school session.  iGOSH and the normal school bus run (am/pm) will be available for those needing it.   
Coffee and snacks 
  • A coffee van will be onsite serving our spectators hot drinks
  • Visit the Class Carers Stall to purchase a drink, muffin or grab some free giveaway items  
Subway Lunches this week 
  • Students can still order Subway Lunch for this Friday 24 Sept
Subway will deliver it to the Gawler Sports Centre (about 1.15pm) to be handed out to students before the conclusion of sports day and dismissal.  Parents are also welcome to order a Subway lunch too.  All orders need to be submitted to the school office by EOD Weds 22 Sept.
IGOSH Friday 24 Sept
  • If you have a permanent Friday morning / afternoon iGOSH booking but do not require it due to sports day, please remember to cancel your booking.  
Mayors Christmas Card Competition
  • Entries close Fri 24 Sept.  Click here to print an entry form
  • Please return entries to school by Thursday 23 Sept or direct to the Gawler Council office by Fri 24 Sept
School Concert
  • Student in years 4,5,6 have been busy recording their concert acts.
  • These will be shared via seesaw when ready.   
Amazing Me – “The Facts of Life”  
  • Education Seminar for Parents and Children (Yr 4,5,6) - Weds 20 Oct 6pm, via Zoom, $25 per family – click here and follow the instructions to book.  
  • Redeemer School at Nuriootpa offered the online presentation last week and it was really well received with 52 families attending on line.  The feedback being “they found it even better being able to do it in the comfort and privacy of their own home”.
iGOSH Reminders
Sept / Oct Vac Care
  • Bookings have now closed online. If you need to book / change or cancel days please email Katrina
  • Confirmation and Consent letters come home today. Please sign the consent form and return by the end of the term.
  • Account reminders are added onto the Confirmation letter, so please see to this if your account if over $500 and last vac care hasn’t been paid for. Your prompt payment is required otherwise your bookings will be cancelled.
  • Hats are compulsory this vac care. Please have a look in our hat trolley this week to see if your child already has a hat here. If children arrive without hats for vac care, they will be issued a school hat and $10 charged to your account. So please make sure your child(ren) are ready for vac care each day with a hat and the first coat of sunscreen applied at home or when you arrive at igosh. Your help with this is appreciated.
  • A reminder about the Adelaide Aquatic Centre Excursion: the pools are very chlorinated. So please bring goggles if needed.
Term 4 iGOSH 
  • Bookings are open online and week 1 bookings close Friday 8th October 2pm.
Christmas 2021 Closure
  • iGOSH will be open Thurs 9 Dec to Thurs 23 Dec 2021
  • Closed from 24 Dec to 9 Jan 2022
  • Open Mon 10 Jan Jan through to start of school
Paralympics Quiz winner is Levi C in year 5K.  
  • He won subway voucher and drink bottle.
Upcoming Diary Dates 
Start of Term 4 – Mon 11 Oct
Extravaganza – Saturday 16 October 3-7pm at Immanuel.  Stay tuned for more information 
Open Day – Sunday 24 October 2pm (for new families interested in Immanuel) 
Valuing Safe Communities Training (Volunteers Training) - Weds 27 October at 2.30pm or 6.30pm.  Please register your name via the office or to
School Uniform Policy Update 
The following changes have been passed by the School Council Committee:
Boys Formal Winter Uniform 
  • Grey trousers or grey shorts can we worn, however boys wearing formal shorts need to wear the green woolen jumper as well
Extension of Sports Uniform from Fn to Year 3 students 
  • From 2022 all students in F, 1 & 2 will wear the sports uniform 
(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn by year 2 students)
  • From 2023 all students in F, 1, 2 & 3 will wear the sports uniform  
(ie the formal girls & boys uniform items will not be worn by year 2 or year 3 students)
The rationale behind this is that the junior primary students need the flexibility that the sports uniform brings, and the upper primary students will benefit from have the contextual variation of formal and sport uniform for various events and formal functions
COVID Requirements
  • We continue to ask that Parents / Caregivers are not on site any more than is necessary
  • Access to classrooms and other school buildings will remain limited to staff, students and essential services 
  • Parents/caregivers when entering the school will need to wear a face mask and check in via the QR code or complete the hard copy sign-in sheet in the office
  • It remains essential that staff, students and others do not come on the school site if they are unwell and that they get tested for COVID-19
  • Parents are asked to pass on these school COVID requirements to other family members and friends who may be collecting your child

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