
Showing posts from November, 2021

Monday Memos Week 8 Term 4

Last full week of primary school. Strangely, so far fewer tears then expected. We will do our best to follow this up. Here’s some things that need attention this week: iPads   iPads need handing up tomorrow so they can be cleared. This means tonight is the last night to upload/download any work or photos students are wishing to hang on to. iPad forms also need returning ASAP. Some students a second paper copy today. Graduation and Celebration Evening Please RSVP as soon as you can by using the booking code found on the official invite that was emailed out earlier. Some students also received paper copies of this tonight. Students are required to be in formal uniform for this evening so now is a good time to just check the uniform is appropriate. This includes black shoes and correct socks. If you need assistance for your child to be in correct uniform for that evening, let us know and the school will support you. Signing Stuff The Carer’s group have kindly purchased the gift of a g...

Monday Memos Week 7 Term 4

Two full weeks left and a little bit more. Here are some bits and bobs to be aware of… Upcoming Dates iPad Hand in Day - Friday 26th November Final School Day - Wednesday 8th December Graduation and Celebration Evening - Thursday 9th December 6pm Andrea White This Thursday, the students will be sitting in on a session about transitioning to high school. This session will be led by Andrea White from ‘Together We Make A Difference’. Graduation and Celebration Evening A seperate email should be received from Jenny for booking in for the evening Starts at 6pm for a Graduating Ceremony followed by dinner and drinks (supplied) Formal Uniform must be worn by students Invitation is open to all parents/caregivers of students (No siblings or friends) Spelling List 30 - looking at the suffix ‘able’ Examples: avoidable, adorable, knowledgeable Warrinthi   We have moved in! Although our resources and teaching artefacts are spread across the entire s...

Monday Memos Week 6 Term 4

Today students have done fantastically well presenting their exhibition issues to different classes and groups of students across the school. It was great to see the confidence grow as they shared their knowledge.  Here’s the stuff we need to know for the week: Year 6 Graduation and Celebration Keep the evening of Thursday Week 9 free (December 9th). It is planned that we will have a Graduation evening on that date. The evening will include the formal graduating of students ceremony as well as time for dinner and fellowship. More information to come soon. The formal graduation of students has been removed from the End of Year Service and added to the Graduate evening due to COVID compliance and parents not being able to attend the day time service. Students will have an informal acknowledgement during that service for the student community to say farewell.  Bocce Tournament  Year 6 students took on some of the teachers in a Recess Bocce Tournament. The final scores were T...

Monday Memos Week 5 Term 4

Welcome to EXHIBITION WEEK.  This week you should (if all things go to plan) receive an email from the Senior Unit with a web address that will link you through to the online exhibits created by the students. The students have worked pretty hard collating the information and presenting online. For many, this was a first time experience in doing this. Stay tuned. Spelling No spelling this week but stay tuned for next week as we try to get back to some normality. Waranthi (the name of the new learning space/building) Students have already spent a little bit of time in the new building but this will increase once Exhibition is complete. Students will get the chance to not only embrace the new surroundings, but also share their thoughts and ideas on the space and how it can be used. Whole School Info  Term 4 Week 5   Open Day Tours  ( For  new  families  wanting to enrol ) Thurs 11 Nov  &  Weds 24 Nov at 9.30am .   Taking applicati...