Monday Memos Week 3 Term 1

Well it’s nice to be back face to face with the students. This week is really what a normal week one would be like as we sort through the classroom routines, setups and expectations. With this in ind, there are just a couple of things to tell/remind you about.

IT Agreements

Please have students return these ASAP. If you need a new form, just let us know. 

Communication with us

Please use the email to contact us. This email reaches both teachers and allows us to both be on top of any information that we need.


This week there is no spelling homework as we are training the students up on the weekly expectations in class. We do expect students to get into Mathletics and get 1000 points as well as doing some daily reading. Some students will be taking the opportunity to complete a few of last weeks tasks at home this week.

Weekly Timetable

Click on the image to get a clear version.

Whole School Updates


We welcome everyone back to face to face learning today.  We have 95.1% attendance rate today so it is great to have so many onsite.  



Areas for carparking are:

  • Daly Street Car Park (Please refer to the SEESAW Post last week to explain the Daly St carpark entering and exiting directions.)

Please do not drive across the yellow lines!   Further enhancements to the gate and fencing are on their way.  

  • School Lane
  • Top Deck Carpark 
  • Lyndoch Road
  • East Terrace 


Covid Safe 

  • If your child contracts Covid 19 you MUST notify the school as soon as you can.
  • Please do not send any child to school if they have any symptoms at all.
  • Adults must wear a mask at all times when on site please and parents cannot enter classrooms.
  • It has been recommended by DfE and SA Health that students in Yr 3-6 also wear a mask when on site and these will need to be supplied by parents/families.


Onsite Activities / Operations 

As per our current instructions via State Govt and AISSA there will be: 

  • No large (face to face) gatherings for any purpose
  • Temporary postponement of the following activities (until at least week 4 of Term 1):

camps, excursions and incursions; interschool sport trials and competitions; large gatherings such as assemblies, W&P, events and concerts

  • Only essential visitors should be on site (‘essential visitors’ includes allied health professionals, and those critical to school operations. The definition also includes instrumental teachers). All must be double vaccinated. Unless essential to do so, adults other than staff are asked not to enter site buildings. 


Subway Lunches 

·         Lunch orders start again this week.   Orders due into the office on a Wednesday by 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday. 

·         Please write clearly on the order form the student name and teacher name

·         Please place in a clear zip bag so we can see order form or insert money in an envelope and stick the order form on the front.  

·         Please have correct cash per student as this goes direct to Subway Gawler for counting.   

·         Order forms can be obtained in the office, on our website click here and some have been sent home today


Scholastic Book Orders 

·         Issue 1 catalogues went home last week to Fn and Yr 1s and today to yr 2-6 students.  

·         Orders due back Monday 21 February (order and pay online or return the form and cash to the office)


Worship and Praise 

  • Until further notice our Friday W&P will be videoed and students will watch in class
  • We will share the link via email with our school families enabling you to watch from home too


Valuing Safe Communities Training

  • One of our processes we ask parents/caregivers to undertake if they want to volunteer in our school is VSC – Valuing Safe Communities. As we don’t have too many volunteer opportunities happening at the moment, we will delay this training until we can have people onsite to do it face to face.
  • If you have done VSC once, you can do the refresher training on-line by yourself. You just need to gather the details for doing this from Jenny in the office.
  • The other paperwork you need in place to volunteer is a WWCC (Working with Children Check) and a Covid 19 Vaccination certificate.  

The WWCC can be obtained by contacting Jenny in the office. There is no charge if you are volunteering in a school. 

More info can be found at


Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors 

·         Lyndoch Rd is a busy road for children to cross, so we use our the lolly pop volunteers to help.  

·         The year 5 and 6 students will be trained on Wednesday 2 March by the SA Traffic Police Dept.  The students are then teamed up with an adult volunteer on a morning / afternoon roster.  

·         We are seeking volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help with this, and we offer training to support you in this role.   

·         Please let the office know if you can help with this important role.  


School Uniform Shop Purchases

·         During term 1 please see the office staff for sales assistance and we can arrange an appt time to help you accordingly. 

·         You can order and pay over the phone and we can send items home via the students.


Second Hand Uniform Shop Stall

·         Courtney (our parent volunteer) will open the second hand stall on a Tuesday afternoon between 3.10-3.40pm

·         However we are seeking a new volunteer person to help open this stall this year. If you’re interested, please let the office staff know 



·         All students need to have a hat for outside activities, recess and lunch times.   You can purchase a new hat via the office for $10.  

·         Please ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on the hat, and also on all other belongings (eg water bottles, lunch boxes, bags and jumpers)



  • Thank you to our iGOSH staff team for supporting students with the onsite online learning program over the last 2 weeks, along with the before and after school care program.  
  • There is lots of lost property items – please check and collect this by the end of this week.   

Booking Reminders:

·         Bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead. Any changes after this will need to be emailed to Katrina, changed with staff at iGOSH or a phone call. 


School Day Reminders

  • School Starts 8.50am
  • Recess is 11am to 11.40am
  • Lunch is 1.40pm to 2.10pm
  • End of Day is 3.25pm  


Absentees / Running Late / Picking up Early 

  • If your child is absent, please telephone the school absent line 85225740(Option 2) by 9.30am or email your teacher
  • If you arrive late (after 8.50am), please remember your child needs to be signed in at the office 
  • If you need to pick up early please report to the school office first and the student will be called to the office whilst you sign your child out 


School Newsletter 

This was sent home last Friday via an email to all families, and a paper copy has been sent home too.  


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