Showing posts from April, 2022
Monday Memos Week 11 Term 1
Well it’s been an interesting first quarter to the year. It’s been difficult to flow and get a run on but we have all battled through and made progress. Here is what we need be aware of this week leading into holidays: Graduate tops and monies We need these by Thursday so they can be printed up over the holiday break. Please remember to label sport shirts. Spelling - List 9 Group 1: ei, eigh, eir (examples weird, height, eiderdown) Group 2: soft ‘c’ (examples princess, palace, incident) PLP and INS Learning Plans Please return these ASAP Term 2 Uniform Uniform wearing improved as the term went on, but as we move into anew Term it us a reminder to make sure that winter uniforms are checked and ready to be worn next term. Have a safe and blessed Easter! Whole School Updates Term 1 concludes this Thursday 14 April , normal dismissal time. We wish you all a blessed Easter and a safe & happy holiday break. Term 2 returns Monday 2...
Monday Memos Week 10 Term 1
Almost up to Easter, an important time of reflection for many Christians. As it is the end of the term, it’s also a good time to reflect on all things school. A big well done to all who were able to engage while absent this semester. Amazing effort really. Graduate Tops We have sent an email earlier today with the information you require. I f you have any questions, please let us know. Spelling - List 8 Group 1 - ‘ei’ or ’ie’ to make the long ‘ee’ sound. Examples: receive, handkerchief Group 2 - ‘n’ for an ‘ng’ sound. Examples: skunk, singular Whole School Updates Only 2 weeks left of term 1. We conclude Thursday 14/4/2022 at 3.25pm (normal dismissal time) Term 2 returns Monday 2 May. This week our year 1’s will go to the Zoo on Tuesday and our Year 3’s head off on camp to Monarto on Tues & Weds (GM) and Thurs & Fri (KR/PT) Performance Appraisal for Professional Development: A Process for Principals of Lutheran Schools Just a reminder...