Monday Memos Week 10 Term 1

Almost up to Easter, an important time of reflection for many Christians. As it is the end of the term, it’s also a good time to reflect on all things school. A big well done to all who were able to engage while absent this semester. Amazing effort really.

Graduate Tops 

We have sent an email earlier today with the information you require. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Spelling - List 8

Group 1 - ‘ei’ or ’ie’ to make the long ‘ee’ sound. Examples: receive, handkerchief

Group 2 - ‘n’ for an ‘ng’ sound. Examples: skunk, singular

Whole School Updates


Only 2 weeks left of term 1.

We conclude Thursday 14/4/2022 at 3.25pm (normal dismissal time)

Term 2 returns Monday 2 May.


This week our year 1’s will go to the Zoo on Tuesday and our Year 3’s head off on camp to Monarto on Tues & Weds (GM) and Thurs & Fri (KR/PT)


Performance Appraisal for Professional Development:

A Process for Principals of Lutheran Schools

  • Just a reminder to complete the survey by Friday 8 April for the performance appraisal for Daryl.   An email would have been sent to you on Friday 25/3/22 from LESNW Executive Director John Proeve  Results are anonymous and will guide plans for the professional development for Daryl. 

                    Thanks Brenton Lange - Chair of Gawler Lutheran Schools Board


Faith Lutheran College 

  • Faith College is about to commence their enrolment interview process for students commencing in Year 7 in 2023 and so invite Year 6 families to attend an information evening and tour at Faith on Monday April 11 at 5pm(registrations essential)
  • Please read the attached flyer to consider a Lutheran education for your child. Click the image below to enlarge.


Vintage Car Rally

  • For the last few years the Gawler Car Club have held an annual rally that starts from our school. This year it is this Sunday the 10th April.
  • We provide a Bacon and Egg breakfast (and coffee) as a fundraiser for the school. 
  • So…we are calling for a handful of volunteers (6-8) to cook and serve between 7am and 9am this Sunday. It’s not a big fundraiser, but any money raised we would like to send to ALWS to support the people of Ukraine. 
  • Please email Daryl if you are available. 


Operoo Activation 

  • Please ensure you activate your new Operoo account ASAP.  Please enter all medical details for your child/ren even if the school has already had details in our current system as they must be entered into this new system by the parent.  Current medical action plans also need to be uploaded for those with asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes and other allergies requiring a Doctors action plan.  If you have questions please use the Operoo Chat or contact Sally in the front office.  


After-School Basketball

  • Registrations forms must be completed and handed in to the office staff by this Friday 8th April. See office staff for a form or email Sports Coordinator Richie Cochrane (


Sausage Sizzle lunch and watermelon

  • Monday 11 April
  • Catered for by our P&F
  • Bring $2 on Monday 



Vacation Care

Weekly Bookings

  • Close 2pm each Friday and are printed for the week ahead.   Any bookings made after this time need to be telephoned, texted or emailed to Katrina.  These bookings are charged at the casual rate


  • Hats are compulsory when playing outside during iGOSH this term.


  • We have some to give away, please contact Katrina

Children arriving to school early

  • We have noticed some children arriving to school soon after 8am.  Please be reminded that students who arrive at school before 8.30am need to attend iGOSH, so please book accordingly


Circle Time

  • Theme for this week is “Cooperation”.


Photo Shoot

  • Due to a covid case the photo shoot last Wednesday did not occur.  We will re-plan a date.   


Andrea White - Peaceful Kids / Peaceful Parents Programs 2022


Carers Group

  • The Carers Group help support our families with cards and meals (in good times and bad).  
  • If you have an interest in being a Class Carer in 2022 please let the front office know.   
  • Our coordinators Beth and Leanne will hold a meeting soon to welcome you and show you the routines. 


Covid Reminders 

  • If your child contracts Covid 19 you MUST notify the school as soon as you can. If your child is a close contact please notify us too.  
  • It is Ok to notify us via email, but for positive cases we will need to ring parents to gather some specific detail we need to make a school notification report to SA Health.   
  • The key message though is to please let us know as soon as possible so we can pass the information on to other families. 
  • Refer to  for symptom checker plus information on the new isolation rules. 
  • Families are reminded to log all cases with SA Health as they will issue you with a document that says it is OK to re-enter school etc.
  • School based extracurricular activities, if they are outside, are now deemed acceptable. Inside ones too where social distancing and measures can be put in place to minimise transmission.
  • QR code check ins are no longer necessary here at school. 


Learning at Home

  • We currently have a number of families who are isolating and students who are unable to attend school.  If your child is in this position ongoing Learning engagements are regularly being posted on See Saw and these are engagements that students on site are doing as well.
  • Additionally,  please see the announcements page on your class Seesaw account for instructions about accessing new home learning engagements, which include daily literacy and numeracy video lessons, from the Department for Education. We believe these lessons from the DfE are of very high quality and we commend them to you. 
  • Please note that if you have a child at home there is no obligation for them to attend to these learning engagements  - they are simply there to support students during these times.
  • Please contact the school if we can support you in any way while students are off site. 


Uniform Shop 

·       New Uniform Items:  please come see the office staff for purchases.  Please start thinking about what winter items you may need.  

·       Second Hand Uniform shop is now open on Mondays at 8.45am to 9.30am and Tuesdays 3:10pm -3:40pm

·       Old Logo’d Uniform:  at the end of this term, we will stop selling “Old Logo’d style Uniform”  (eg sports tops, rugby jumpers, jumpers) in our Second Hand Uniform Stall.  We have had our new Logo Uniform for 5 years now so it’s time to refresh.  

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