Monday Memos Week 11 Term 1

Well it’s been an interesting first quarter to the year. It’s been difficult to flow and get a run on but we have all battled through and made progress. Here is what we need be aware of this week leading into holidays:

Graduate tops and monies

We need these by Thursday so they can be printed up over the holiday break. Please remember to label sport shirts.

Spelling - List 9

Group 1: ei, eigh, eir (examples weird, height, eiderdown)

Group 2: soft ‘c’ (examples princess, palace, incident)

PLP and INS Learning Plans

Please return these ASAP 

Term 2 Uniform

Uniform wearing improved as the term went on, but as we move into anew Term it us a reminder to make sure that winter uniforms are checked and ready to be worn next term.

Have a safe and blessed Easter!

Whole School Updates


Term 1 concludes this Thursday 14 April, normal dismissal time.    We wish you all a blessed Easter and a safe & happy holiday break.


Term 2 returns Monday 2 May.  Term 2 is a 9 week term and concludes Friday 1 July(followed by 3 weeks holidays)


Gawler Lutheran Church Easter Services 

Maundy Thursday (14th April)  7:30pm at Immanuel Worship Centre (with Holy Communion)

Good Friday (15th April)  9:00am at Immanuel Worship Centre / 10:30am at  Zion Worship Centre / 10:30am at Immanuel School

Easter Sunday (17th April) 9:00am at Immanuel Worship Centre (with Holy Communion & Baptism) / 10:30am at Immanuel School (with Holy Communion)


Anzac Day 25 April


Uniform Term 2 

  • A reminder that Winter formal is to be worn as from next term.  This is for students from year 3 to year 6 only.  Foundation to year 2 students only wear the Sports Uniform.   
  • Shoes on formal days should be able to ‘take a shine’ and be a ‘leather look’.  
    Thanks for your support of this as you purchase shoes for winter. 
  • Boys can wear grey shorts instead of trousers – providing they have the long sleeve shirt and jumper on as well.  It is not part of uniform policy but we acknowledge that shorts are a better option for some boys.   A note to the teacher at the start of term advising us that the student will be wearing shorts is requested.   
  • Click here to read our school uniform policy
  • If you need to purchase new winter uniform items, please see the office staff.    



  • Just a reminder there is no Subway this week (due to Friday being a public holiday)


P&F Sausage Sizzle lunch 

  • Apologies that this was cancelled today – it will be rescheduled early in term 2.  



April Vac Care

  • Vac Care starts next week.
  • Bookings have closed online. For any cancellations, extra bookings or changes please ring or call Katrina.
  • All extra bookings made now will be charged as casual bookings and will depend on availability. We are full some days.
  • All consent forms need to be returned by Thursday this week. These were sent home last week with confirmation letters
  • All accounts need to be under $500 and last vac care paid.
  • Just a reminder that all children will need to bring hats each day these holidays. 
  • We are looking forward to a busy and fun vac care


Term 2

  • Bookings are open online at
  • Week 1 bookings will close Friday 29th April at 2pm. Any bookings after this are charged at the casual rate.



  • We still have a few ‘good looking’ roosters for free. If you are interested please see Katrina


Andrea White - Peaceful Kids / Peaceful Parents Programs 2022


Covid Reminders 

  • If your child contracts Covid 19 you MUST notify the school as soon as you can. If your child is a close contact please notify us too.  
  • It is Ok to notify us via email, but for positive cases we will need to ring parents to gather some specific detail we need to make a school notification report to SA Health.   
  • The key message though is to please let us know as soon as possible so we can pass the information on to other families. 
  • Refer to  for symptom checker plus information on the new isolation rules. 
  • Families are reminded to log all cases with SA Health as they will issue you with a document that says it is OK to re-enter school etc.
  • School based extracurricular activities, if they are outside, are now deemed acceptable. Inside ones too where social distancing and measures can be put in place to minimise transmission.
  • QR code check ins are no longer necessary here at school. 


Learning at Home

  • We currently have a number of families who are isolating and students who are unable to attend school.  If your child is in this position ongoing Learning engagements are regularly being posted on See Saw and these are engagements that students on site are doing as well.
  • Additionally,  please see the announcements page on your class Seesaw account for instructions about accessing new home learning engagements, which include daily literacy and numeracy video lessons, from the Department for Education. We believe these lessons from the DfE are of very high quality and we commend them to you. 
  • Please note that if you have a child at home there is no obligation for them to attend to these learning engagements  - they are simply there to support students during these times. 
  • Please contact the school if we can support you in any way while students are off site.




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