Monday Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back to the final semester of primary schooling for you Year 6 child. This term we will be getting stuck in and working through two units of inquiry (We We Are in a Place and Time & How the World Works). 

In completing these two units we will move onto the Year 6 Exhibition process. If you know nothing about this, stay tuned for more information. If you have had a previous experience with a child engaged in this process, things will be a little different this year.

We look forward to a positive final couple of terms and encourage students to make the most of their last months at primary school.

Spelling - List 19

Group 1 - the ‘t’ sound (examples: doubt, silhouette, definite)

Group 2 - the ‘a’ for the ‘ai’ sound (examples: chaotic, adjacent, inhaler)


Over the holidays we looked after many of the student iPads to do some auditing. We have held on to them again tonight so that over the next few days (with the students assistance) we can reset them physically but while resetting the behaviours in how they are being used.

There has been a pattern of students not following the ICT agreement. We ask that over the next semester that you support your child to use their iPad in the appropriate ways that the school has outlined in the agreement. A good simple rule is… ‘if it’s not school related, it doesn’t need to be on the iPad or the iPad used for it’

Glass Jars

For an upcoming task we would like students to bring in a glass jar. It will need to be big enough to fit multiple paper notes and be clear with nothing stuck on the sides. If you have a couple lying around are keen to donate a few extras, we would greatly appreciate it. Any jar that is about 500ml with a lid would be fantastic. Bigger than this is fine but we hope not too much smaller. Some of those Moccona Coffee jars would be spot on.

Whole School Updates



Welcome back to Term 3.  We hope everyone had a restful break.  

Welcome to the new families starting at Immanuel this term.  

This is a 10 week term.  School will break up on Friday 30 September.  


Covid Update

Covid regulations and requirements in schools for the start of this term have been updated slightly.  

Families are requested to:

  • Not enter classrooms
  • Inform us should your child/children test positive
  • Inform us should your child/children be a close contact and RAT test as per SA Health guidelines
  • Not come on site if symptomatic
  • Testing requirements for classroom outbreaks have changed.  Should a classroom outbreak occur (that is five or more cases in a single class/room in a seven-day period), asymptomatic staff and students should use a rapid antigen test (RAT), and symptomatic staff and students should undertake PCR testing.

Face Masks

  • Face masks in education and care settings are strongly recommended (but not required).
  • Anyone who is a close contact and is aged 12 years and older will need to wear a face mask when they leave the house for seven days following exposure in line with the SA Health close contact guidelines.

Please refer to


Covid Vaccination Policy for Immanuel Gawler 

Dear Parent/Caregiver at Immanuel,

  • All  Lutheran Schools in South Australia have adopted a new Covid-19 Vaccination Policy. For our school this takes effect from today - the start of Term 3 and will be reviewed at the start of Term 4. 
  • The policy requires all staff, volunteers, and contractors (who spend other than an incidental amount of  time indoors with staff and students) to provide proof of at least two TGA approved COVID-19 vaccinations.
  • The policy also strongly recommends three TGA approved COVID-19 vaccinations, however any staff, volunteers or contractors who have has only two COVID- 19 Vaccinations, will be required to:
    • Undertake a Rapid Antigen Test prior to attending our site
    • Wear a surgical mask whilst indoors, or in a vehicle with staff or students (other than their own children)
  • Those who have received three TGA approved vaccinations will not be required to wear a mask or undertake a RAT prior to attendance at this stage.
  • Volunteers  are really vital  to our community and we will endeavour to make this process as smooth as possible and encourage you to contact us should you have any questions. 
  • Thank you for your support and understanding.

Regards,   Daryl


Uniform Term 3 

  • Winter formal is to be worn again this term.  This is for students from year 3 to year 6 only.  Foundation to year 2 students only wear the Sports Uniform.    
  • It is important students come to school wearing a jumper on the cold mornings.   Please ensure it is clearly named so if it is misplaced it can be returned to your child.   
  • If you need to purchase new winter uniform items, please see the office staff.    
  • Winter Jackets have not yet arrived  but hopefully will arrive this week.  
  • Trackpants have now arrived so all sizes are back in stock.  Our uniform policy states that students must wear the official uniform items which are to be purchased via school.  So please contact the office staff to purchase new trackpants or any other items.   


Subway Lunches

·         This will start again this week.  Lunches in on a Wednesday for lunch on a Friday.  Forms can be collected from the office, on our website, plus one going home today

·         Only the sandwich choices listed on the order forms can be ordered.  Please pay with the correct amount of money.  


Crossing Monitors 

  • The Lyndoch Rd Crossing Monitor roster has been updated for Term 3.   Thank you to our year 5 and 6 students and our volunteers for helping with this important role.  



Vacation Care

·         Thank you for a wonderful 3 week vac care. We hope the children enjoyed the days they came too. 

·         We will have some photos on our wall this week of all the fun we had. You are also welcome to have a look at our Vac Care Day book which is near the sign in desk.

·         Over the next 3 weeks we would like some feedback about the vac care. On front desk 2 questions for the week, please answer them with a tick in the yes or no box. Your feedback is important to us

·         We have a lot of lost property, please look in the tub under front desk if you are missing anything. Things not collected by end of week 2 will be donated to a charity shop.

Term 3

·         Bookings can be made for the term via  A reminder that bookings are printed off at 2pm each Friday for the week ahead. So any bookings made after 2pm need to be emailed, texted or phoned to Katrina. All bookings before Friday 2pm are charged at the permanent rate and those after the Friday 2pm are at the casual rate.

·         We have Brayden, Brock, Bailey and Emma all out on Uni Teaching placements for the first 5 weeks of this term. You will notice some new faces with Rachel, Bianca and Isaac who have trained up to fill these spots. 


Newsletter T2 W8 Quiz 

Immanuel Insights – LOTE Word search winner:   Aria H – 2L

Aria has won a Subway drink bottle and Voucher


Premier’s Reading Challenge

  • This challenge continues this term and closes on 9 September.  Students have to read 12 books (including 4 from the PRC list).  
  • Students in Years F-3 will do this in their classes, Students in Yr 4-6 can do this at home.     


School Health Check Survey

  • Thank you for completing the survey regarding our Strategic Planning process.  It is now closed. 


Circle Time 

  • This week’s theme is “Being Optimistic”.  


What’s on in Term 3

  • ICAS Testing 2022 for students in Years 2-6, starting 8 Aug to 2 Sept.  Please refer to flyer being sent home this week.   
  • Learning Conferences (Tues 16 AugThurs 18 AugWeds 24 Aug).  Letter with more details being sent home soon.  
  • PLP Conferences (starting Mon 1 Aug).   If your child is on a PLP, your class teacher will be in contact with you to book a time. 
  • Science Week starts 15 Aug “Glass, more than meets the eye”  
  • Book Week starts 22 Aug “Dreaming with eyes open” 
  • School Photo Day – Wednesday 31 August
  • Junior School Concert – Week commencing 5 September
  • Student Free Day – Friday 9 September (iGOSH open for care) 
  • Year 5 Camp – 19-21 September
  • Colour Run Day – Friday 23 September
  • Sports Day – Friday 30 September

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