Monday Memos Week 9 Term 3

In a week we nationally pay respect to the queen, we also continue our preparations for Exhibition and we get slimed. Here’s some info we need you to know…

Camp - Port Vincent Aquatics

You should of received an email from Operoo regarding camp. We need to know numbers asap so that we can calculate final costs and staffing. Please respond as soon as possible to the email. The camp is an aquatics camp held at Port Vincent on the Yorke Peninsula. It is set for Week 1 Term 4 from the Monday to the Wednesday.

Excursion - The Sound of Music

Also sent on Operoo was an email for consent to go to the performance of The Sound of Music at the Shedley Theatre. The excursion takes place during school hours so students will arrive and depart for the day as usual.

We are looking for a volunteer or two to support us on the excursion.  There is an opportunity to express interest in coming along as you fill in the Operoo form. 

Spelling - List 27

Group 1: ‘our’ schwa (harbour, endeavour)

Group 2: ‘y’ for the ‘i’ sound (pyramid, Egypt)

Whole School Updates



  • Today Monday 19 September Assembly was held with Foundation students (a video link will be sent home soon)


Year 5s are on Camp this week Mon to Weds, along with several staff members.  Enjoy!  


Thursday 22 September – Public Holiday 

  • A reminder that school will be closed this Thursday.  This is a National Day of Mourning to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II as announced last week by the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.  


Slime Spectacular Run 4 Fun Day 2022

  • Friday 23 September
  • This is a normal school day and then after lunch at 2.15-3.15pm the Fun Run will be held on the oval. 
  • To participate students will need to wear (or bring) a white t-shirt to school for the event.  They may also need to bring another t-shirt or towel to go home in or to attend igosh, as their t-shirt may be quite messy.   (Bring a plastic bag too.)
  • Students will run the oval in their year level and earn points towards School Sports Day.   Our P&F & staff volunteers will direct the slime explosion onto students t-shirts 
  • The Slime Spectacular culminates the Plant-A-Difference Fundraiser. to create your child’s cybersafe fundraising profile and get fundraising.  Monies raised will go towards improving our school grounds & nature play areas.


2022 Town of Gawler Christmas Card Competition for F to Yr 5 students  


Sports Day – Friday 30 September

  • Sports day will be held at the Gawler Sports and Community Centre (Nixon Street) 
  • The Sports Day will start at 9am.  Parents are welcome to attend.  It will conclude at 1.30pm so we encourage families to take their students home then.  Alternatively a modified program will be held back at school in the afternoon (and iGOSH will be open).  
  • Consent requests and more information has been sent via Operoo.  Please RSVP by Fri 23/9.  We need to know which students will need the bus run between school and the venue.   
  • Another News Article will be sent home via Operoo early this week.  
  • There will be a Sausage Sizzle on the day.  We will ask students to preorder via returning $2/sausage to their class teacher by Weds 28 Sept.  Parents and friends can purchase direct from the BBQ on the day.
  • There will also be a Muffin stall run by our P&F group.  We are looking for a few volunteers to help on the stall.  Let the office know.  
  • There will also be a tea/coffee van.  


Cricket Match - Immanuel School versus Gawler Lutheran Church 

  • Looking for some parents (or senior students) to join the school team 
  • Sunday 23 October at Immanuel School Oval - match starts at 1.00pm
  • BBQ Lunch from 12 noon
  • Families and Friends invited to attend too 
  • Registration form to play will be available soon via Operoo


Strategic Planning - Parent and Caregiver Input Meeting

  • All Parents and Caregivers are invited and encouraged to attend a forum with Gary Clark who is facilitating our Strategic Planning process here at Immanuel.
  • Tuesday 25 Oct 6.30pm – 8pm  (will include a light meal and drinks) 
  • The session will give opportunity to feed in to planning and development for the future in all areas and aspects of our school. All the information and thoughts/opinions of our parents and caregivers will be invaluable and appreciated.
  • Please watch for a news article on Operoo this week where you will be able to RSVP your attendance. 


Mobile Phones

  • Our new Mobile Phone Policy started last week 12/9 
  • Please take the time to read the policy and return the form accordingly 
  • Please note point 2a.  Students who have a form indicating parental permission and bring a mobile device to school must as a matter of priority when entering the school grounds place the device in the appropriate container in the front office.  



October Vac Care

  • Program is here and bookings are open online
  • Bookings close Friday 23 September 5pm
  • Some days are capped
  • Confirmation and Consent forms will come out Monday week 10.

iGOSH Christmas Closure Dates

  • Friday 23 December 2022 to Friday 6 January 2023

Feedback Questions

  • Please answer our weekly feedback questions, which are on the front desk at iGOSH.
  • It would be very much appreciated if you could answer these each week. 
  • All is required is a tick in the box for your answer to the 2 questions.


Circle Time

This fortnight’s theme is Care, Kindness and Compassion”


Parents and visitors to Immanuel during the day 

  • Please be reminded that all parents and visitors arriving at Immanuel during the day (outside of normal drop off and pick up times) are to report to the office, prior to proceeding to a classroom or other area.
  • If you are volunteering you need to sign in at our sign in register and collect your name badge.
  • If you are dropping off or collecting a student during the day or needing to come on site for any other reason, please report to the office on arrival and the admin staff will assist you.  
  • Please use the Daly Street carpark and gate to enter the school as all other gates (Lyndoch Rd, Oval and Tennis Court gates are locked during the day)   


Student Medication Reminders 

  • Any medication required to be administered (eg, Ventolin, Epipen, Antihistamine and other) must be accompanied by a school medication administration form signed by the parent, along with a medical practitioner’s action plan and chemist labelling on the medication.  
  • The Parent accepts responsibility for the accuracy of all information and for ensuring that supplies of officially labelled medication are available and in date.  
  • Panadol/Paracetamol medication:   Immanuel school will not dispense Panadol/Paracetamol unless authorised by a doctor.  


What’s on in Term 3

Year 5 Camp – Mon to Weds 19-21 September 

Sound of Music at the Shedley -  Weds 28 Sept for years 1, 2, 4 & 6’s  

Sports Day – Friday 30 September

End of Term 3 – Friday 30 September 1.15pm dismissal 

Term 4 returns – Monday 17 October

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