Tuesday Memos Week 11 Term 1

We hope that everyone enjoyed their Easter break and enjoys the student holiday break ahead.  


Thursday we will be condensing the kitchen cooking into 2 one hour blocks before recess (9:00 - 10:00 & 10:00 - 11:00) This is due to the students being involved in a cyber safety session after recess. This week the students will begin cooking some food for camp. Volunteers are more than welcome to come and help the cooking as usual. 


Camp is in the horizon and will be upon us before we know it. This week we aim to show and tell some of the attractions that we will visit in preparation. This week we will also be sending out a what to bring list for the students to check off as they pack.


Words ending in ‘cious’

Literacy - Holes

This week to complete the work on our class novel Holes, we will be watching the movie. The purpose of watching the movie is to make comparisons between the written story and the movie, as well as trying to understand why there are differences between the two mediums.

Term 1 Week 11 Whole School Update…


Term 1 concludes this Friday 14 April, normal dismissal time.     We wish you all a restful holiday time.   


Term 2 returns Monday 1 May.  Term 2 is a 9 week term and concludes Friday 30 June (followed by 3 weeks holidays)


Cyber Safety Solutions – Parent information evening 

  • Wednesday 12 April 7pm to 8.30pm at Immanuel School Gawler in Taikondi.  
    A session not to be missed!
  • Helping our kids stay out of “High Tech Trouble” with presenter Susan McLean who is an expert in the field. 
  • We are really excited about this opportunity and hope that many families can attend.  
  • No bookings needed.  
  • Click Here to view more details
  • Students in Yrs 3/4/5/6 will have sessions with Susan on Thursday 13 April.  


Worship and Praise

·         Friday 14 April at 10.30am W&P will be led by Mr McLoughlin’s Year 1 class

·         Parents and friends are welcome to join us

·         Zion Preschool children will join us for W&P too


Coffee B4 Worship & Praise

  • Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers are offering “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise”from 9.45am in Taikondi
  • We welcome any school parents, kindy parents and friends to join us for this prior to the Worship & Praise  



April Holiday Vac Care

  • If you need to make changes to your bookings or cancellation please email katrinap@ilsg.sa.edu.au
  • Confirmations were emailed last week via carebookings.  Please ensure you have now completed the 2  forms via Operoo eforms by Weds 12/4/2023.  The first form to acknowledge you are using the service for the holidays and the second form that requires information and consent for the program eg bus travel, medical etc.   However, if you didn’t receive your confirmation email from carebookings this may mean your account is over $500 or 90 days overdue.  

Term 2 Bookings

  • Book via https://www.carebookings.com.au/login.  Use KTQQ3 as the login.   
  • Term 2 is a 9 week term, followed by 3 weeks school holidays in July
  • IGOSH will trial opening earlier at 6.45am in the morning from term 2.  

‘No Booking’ Fee

  • As from Term 2 a $10 fee will be charged on top of the normal session fees for children who arrive at iGOSH with No Booking.. This fee will not be covered by CCS.  We roster our staffing based around our booking numbers so that we are working with the correct educator to child ratio. It is important that we abide by these so please make sure you either ring or text the igosh mobile 0447661555or email katrinap@ilsg.sa.edu.au for additional bookings.   


SAPSASA Athletics Day 

·         Wednesday 12 April.  At Lyndoch oval for selected students.

·         Please be at school on time as the bus leaves at 9am.  

·         Good luck to our Immanuel students 


Basketball team end of season presentation

  • Thurs 13 April 3.40-4.20pm with Mr Cochrane at Immanuel


Basketball and Netball teams at Starplex for Term 2 & 3 Season    

  • We are in need of coaches for each of the year level teams.  Please refer to the email sent out from Mr Cochrane.  
  • Please let us know ASAP if you can help coach  


Gawler Vintage Car Rally 

·         Sunday 16 April - starts from Immanuel School Gawler at 8am  

·         If you are into old cars, come and have a look before they depart at 9.30am to the Barossa 

·         Egg and bacon sandwiches for sale for breakfast 


Anzac Day 25 April

  • The Gawler RSL Sub Branch will present the 2023 ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Pioneer Park starting at 6.15am  
  • This is a free Community Event.  Our students leaders will attend to represent Immanuel 


Uniform Term 2 

  • A reminder that Winter formal is to be worn as from next term.  This is for students from year 4 to year 6 only. This means boys grey trousers (or shorts) with long sleeve shirt & jumper / girls winter pinafore, skirt or trousers with white long sleeve blouse & Jumper.  
  • There is a 2 week changeover in case the weather is still warm in the first 2 weeks.
  • Shoes on formal days should be able to ‘take a shine’ and be a ‘leather look’.  
    Thanks for your support of this as you purchase shoes for winter. 
  • Foundation to year 3 students only wear the Sports Uniform every day (shorts, trackpants, polo top & rugby jumper).  
  • New Uniform purchases can be made via the staff in the front office.  Bookings may be needed if the office is busy.   
  • The Secondhand Uniform Stall is open on a Friday afternoon 3pm to 3.30pm.  We are seeking another volunteer to open the stall on another day too.  Please let the office know if you can help.
  • Hats are not required during term 2 and 3, unless requested otherwise for a particular event (eg excursion, sports day) 


“Dental for Schools” - at Immanuel School in Term 2 

  • Dental for Schools will be visiting Immanuel next term - Term 2, Week 9 - Weds 28Thurs 29 & Fri 30 June.  
  • In week 1 next term Dental for Schools coordinators will hold an Oral Health Education workshop for every year level.  
  • Following this an information package will be sent home to parents and if you would like your child to be seen by the dentist, you can complete the consent form and return it to the school to book an appointment time.    
  • Immanuel is excited to offer this new facility for students and families.  If you had intended to book dentist appointments for your child over the holidays this may be an alternative opportunity.   Please stay tuned for more information in early term 2.    


Upcoming Events Term 2 

·         Term 2 returns Monday 1 May

·         Mon 1 May - P&F Meeting at 7pm

·         Weds 3 May - SAPSASA Cross Country (selected students) 

·         Thur 4 & Fri 5 May - Dental workshops for students

·         Fri 5 May - Movie Night

·         Sat 6 to Fri 12 May - Year 6 camp to Canberra

·         Fri 12 May - Mother’s Day stall

·         Sun 14 May - Mother’s Day

·         Mon 15 May - Yr 1 excursion to Marine Discovery Centre

·         Weds 17 May - VSC Volunteers Training 2.30pm and 6.30pm

·         Thur 18 May - 9.30am Open Morning

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