Monday Memos Week 8 Term 2

Spelling  The “ai” sound 

Making the ai sound with different graphemes. Examples: they, straight, gourmet, cabaret 

Unit of Inquiry The advert assignment- How we express ourselves  Students are creating a tourism advert to inform people about the culture of the country they are studying in LOTE. 

Street Food Night  

Thursday June 29, 6pm

Warrinthi Foyer. Each student may invite 2 guests.

Term 2 Week 8 Whole School Update… 

P&F Meeting

  • Tonight Mon 19 June at 7pm in School Admin Building  
  • New members welcome  click here  


Cabaret - Friday 23 June 2023 - 6.30pm till 8.30pm

  • Tickets (which are free) are still available but bookings are essential as there are limited tickets / seating available.  Bookings close EOD Thursday 22 June, unless full prior.   
  • Be entertained by our students and staff who can sing, dance, act and share their talents
  • Mingle with your friends, BYO nibbles / supper, drinks available to purchase
  • Please book via the Self Service e-Form on Operoo by clicking here
  • Always a fun evening of entertainment, so please join us  


Immanuel Mini-Recess Time Concerts 

This week in Taikondi / Music room @ 11am

Parents, grandparents, friends welcome to come along and watch students perform with their tutor

  • Monday 19/6 : Dallas (Voice)  in Taikondi
  • Tuesday 20/6: Michael (Drums) in Taikondi & Dav(Guitar) in Music room 
  • Thursday 22/6: Karen (Piano) in Taikondi 
  • Friday 23/6: David (Guitar) in Taikondi  


Junior Playground 

  • Today we starting dismantling the JP Playground.  We have bunted the area off to ensure safety of our students.  Please be aware of this as you come onsite through the Daly Street entrance.   
  • The playground equipment will be repurposed for the Zion Preschool and ELC onsite here later next year.  


Glass Jars 

  • We are in need of some glass jars with lids to bottle our olives (small / medium size).  Please bring to the office.   



  • The final newsletter for this term will go home next Thursday 29 June  


Worship and Praise

·         Friday 16 June W&P was be led by Pastor Anthony.   Click ​MOV icon W&P T2 W7 Fri 16-6-23 with Pastor Anthony.MOV to watch from home

·         Friday 23 June at 10.30am W&P will be led by Mr Cochrane 

·         Parents and friends are welcome to join us

·         Zion Preschool children will join us for/ W&P too

·         Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” from 9.45am in Taikondi


ICAS Competitions 2023

·         ICAS competitions start next term

·         This year the tests will now be ordered and paid for online using the ICAS Parent Portal.  

·         An email will be sent home this week with instructions for how to sign students up for tests using the Parent Portal.  If you have any questions regarding this please contact Andrew Boesch.



  • With the cold mornings please ensure your child/ren have their green jumper / sport rugby jumpers with them.  Please ensure they are clearly named.
  • We have many items in the lost property box in the office with no names.     



Term 2 & 3 

·         Bookings are still open for the T2 W9 via  Use KTQQ3 as the login.

·         Bookings will close 2pm Friday for the week ahead. Any further bookings required for the week need to be texted, emailed or phoned to Katrina

·         After Friday this week carebookings will no longer be our booking system.  It will be replaced with a New Parent Booking App and information about this will be emailed to families during this week.

·         The App will be ready to take Term 3 bookings. 

July Vac Care

  • Click here to see the holiday program.  Some days are already full.   
  • Bookings close 10am Tues 20 June.  Via with codeKTQQ3 as the login
  • Confirmations will be emailed tomorrow
  • Once you receive confirmation email, please fill in Operoo forms
  • Accounts need to be under $500 and last vac care paid for your bookings to be confirmed.
  • Account reminders will emailed today.


  • We are now open at 6.45am. Our closing time is still 6pm.
  • Fees have increased, please refer to the website.
  • “No Booking” charge is applied if children arrive at iGOSH with no booking.

Electronic Sign In

  • This is going really well. Thanks for talking to staff as issues arise. We feel confident we have transitioned smoothly to the electronic system, so introducing the New Parent Booking App will begin this week.


Peaceful Kids  


Some upcoming Diary Dates for Term 2 / 3

·         Weds 21 and Thur 22 June – Zion Preschool Enlightened Concert Nights at 6.00pm at Immanuel Taikondi  

·         Tues 27, Weds 28 & Fri 30 June - Dental for Schools Dental visits (please note amended days)

·         Thurs 29 June - Street Eats Evening for year 6 students & their parents

·         Fri 30 June – end of term 2, Semester 1 reports will go home 

·         Mon 3 July to Fri 21 July - 3 weeks of school holidays (iGOSH available)

·         Mon 24 July - Term 3 returns

·         Weds 9 Aug - VSC Volunteers Training 

·         Mon 14 Aug - Science Week starts

·         Mon 21 Aug - Book Week starts 

·         Weds 30 Aug - School Photo Day 

·         Fri 22 Sept - Sports & Colour Run Day 

·         Fri 29 Sept - End Term 3

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