Monday Memos Week 9 Term 4
Here we are, a couple days left. It would be interesting to know how all the students are feeling. I do know that some can’t wait to move on and some don’t want to leave. As always, many are probably feeling a little bit from column A and column B. Reports Reports to go out tomorrow. Pizza Lunch Tomorrow Tomorrow, as a gift to the students, Tayla and I have organised a pizza lunch for students. We hope they enjoy! Graduation Evening Please see your invite for the details of time. The evening will commence with the graduation ceremony and will lead into an evening of enjoying each other’s company one last time as a group. So that things run smoothly, we ask that you arrive on time. Uniform The next two school days we are wearing sport uniform so that our formal uniforms are clean and tidy for the graduation ceremony and evening. In terms of formal uniform for the graduation ceremony, if you find that your child has out grown or needs a part of the uniform, let us know...