Monday Memos Week 8 Term 4

Graduation is a week and a half away, so I pose this question to you… what type of graduation parent do you think you’ll be this year? Are you:

A) a box of tissues type

B) a yell out a comment type

C) a ‘oh where did the time go’ type 

D) a can’t believe they got this far type

E) a you can’t have too many photos type

F) all the above

G) none of the above

H) we will wait and see


iPads are being collected for decommissioning this Thursday, please make sure that they are fully charged on arrival at school that day and all wanted files have been backed up elsewhere.

Uniform next week

Students will be able to wear their sports uniforms on Tuesday and Wednesday next week in order to keep their formal uniforms in top condition for the Thursday night Graduation Evening.

Library books and scissors

A strange pairing, but what do these two things have in common? When people graduate, both items can sometimes disappear, never to be seen again. Can you please check school bags, around the house and in ‘floordrobes’ if there are any school items lying around that can be returned. This would be greatly appreciated.

Term 4 Week 8 Whole School Update…


·       Christmas is Coming

  • It was a wonderful evening of family fun, food, Christmas cheer and fellowship.  Thank you to everyone who could attend. A big thank you to Emma Lange and Gawler Lutheran Church who coordinated the evening, set up everything and facilitated the food stalls.  


End of 2023 Year Arrangements

  • Student Semester 2 reports will be sent home on Monday 11 Decemberalong with 2024 class lists in a sealed envelope.  2024 book packs will also be sent home.  
  • Our last school day for 2023 is Wednesday 13 December.  The Closing Worship and Praise service (which includes a farewell to our year 6 students) will be held at 2.00pm on this day in Taikondi.  Parents, families and friends will be welcome to attend.    
  • Dismissal time will be 3.25pm as normal.  
  • The Year 6 Graduation and Celebration event will be on the Thursday 14 December starting at 6.30pm for year 6 students and their parents only.  
  • iGOSH will start the school holiday program from Thursday 14 December 2023
  • Class Teachers Gifts  - Over the last few years our Class Carers have collected money from families to coordinate and purchase an end of year thank you gift for class teachers.   However this year in place of this we are encouraging families to purchase / donate to the ALWS Gifts of Grace.    A booklet was sent home to all families a few weeks ago, or you can logon to this site Gifts of Grace - Australian Lutheran World Service (   Thank you for your generosity.  


Immanuel’s Mini Recess time 11am Instrumental Concerts this week 

  • Monday 4/12 with Dallas (singing) in Taikondi
  • Tuesday 5/12 with Michael (Drums) in Taikondi and Dave (Guitar) in Music Room 
  • Thursday 7/12 with Karen (Piano) in Taikondi
  • Friday 8/12 with Dave (Guitar) in Taikondi

Parents / family members can attend too and watch their children perform



  • Christmas cards and candy canes - we ask that students do not exchange Christmas cards and candy canes etc until the last few days of school – being Mon 11, Tues 12 and Weds 13 Dec. 
  • Term 4 basketball & netball fees are now overdue . Please pay the school office ASAP. 
  • Borrowing of Library books for 2023 has now concluded.   Please return allbooks promptly.
  • 2025 Enrolments - if you have a sibling due to start in 2025, please ensure you have submitted the enrolment application form into the school office, so that we have your child’s name on our data base.    
  • Uniform / Lost Property - there are still so many rugby jumpers in the lost property box in the office. Please ensure all hats and jumpers / drink bottles and lunch boxes are clearly named so that misplaced items can be returned.  Items not claimed this year will be sorted and if any are in good condition will be sold via the 2nd hand uniform shop next year.
  • Uniform Reminder – Students going into year 4 will require the formal uniform starting with the Summer uniform for term 1 (eg girls dress or skorts & blouse, boys grey shorts and short sleeve shirt).  Please see the office staff for uniform purchases or submit an order online via the e-form in Operoo.   All students in F, 1, 2 & 3 will wear the sports uniform only  
  • Children need to be closely supervised by their parents if playing in the yard after school.



  • The new 2024 Foundations will have 2 more visits at Immanuel over the next week.
  • The Zion Preschool will be hold their end of year services here in Taikondi on Tuesday and Wednesday evening next week.


Foundation Big Day Out

  • This Thursday 7 December to Gorge Wildlife Sanctuary.   


End of Day Routines

  • It happens from time to time that students are not aware of what they need to do at the end of the day. Our standard practice is that if a student is unsure, we send them to the front office and work it out from there.  We advise strongly that parents do not take it upon themselves to take children home, or drop them off (etc), unless they have explicit permission from the child’s parent/caregiver to do so. While we understand it is done as an act of kindness, there is a significant vulnerability and risk in doing so.


Worship and Praise

  • W&P this Friday 8 December starting at 10.30am and will be led by Mrs Jones & Mrs Mannings Foundation class
  • Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise”starting from 10am
  • Last weeks W&P was led by Miss Pfeiffer’s Foundation class, please click on this link to watch from home 
    image001.png W&P Fri 1-12-23 w' Miss Pfeiffer & Foundations.MOV



  • Todays Assembly was led by Year 6s.  The link will be sent home during this week to watch from home.     


Gawler Christmas Events

  • Saturday 9 December - Gawler’s Christmas Carols Event at Pioneer Park 5-9pm.   Immanuel School Choir performing too.



iGOSH School Holiday Program 

·        Bookings for the Dec / Jan School Holiday program has now CLOSED

·        All extra bookings, changes and cancellations need to be emailed / phoned to Katrina on  0447 661 555

·        All accounts need to be at a $0 balance by every Friday during the Vac Care. Accounts not paid weekly will result in future weeks bookings cancelled.

·        Confirmations for the Vac Care will be available via Operoo tomorrow morning

·        Vac Care Bookings will not be confirmed if accounts have an outstanding balance of more than 7 days.

·        If you don’t receive an Operoo link for the confirmation / consent form please email Katrina (

·        A reminder that iGOSH will be closed from Friday 22 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024

New “Pay as you Go” system

·        The first Direct Debit schedule will be this Friday (8/12/23) between 2-4pm

·        If you have returned Direct Debit forms, you will NOT need to pay fees this week, as fees will be deducted Friday pm

·        If you choose not to use Direct Debit, you will need to pay the weeks fees either via bank transfer, or EFT or cash at the front office. Accounts not paid by 1pm Friday each week, will result in your booking app blocked and future bookings cancelled.

Best number to call

  • If you need to make last minute bookings or cancel bookings, please contact the IGOSH mobile 0447 661 555
  • Please avoid calling the office as they aren’t aware of our numbers, hence there may not be a spot
  • If you call the mobile to make extra, short notice bookings, iGOSH staff can still put notes in class trays and email staff about children needing to come to iGOSH at short notice.


Term 1 2024 returns on Monday 29 January 2024

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