Monday Memos Week 7 Term 4

Creeping closer and closer to the end of the year, but the work doesn’t stop… 


The big ticket item in class right now is responding to the Ted Hughes novel The Iron Man. The Playberry literacy routines will continue through to the end of the year and in maths we are currently playing around with algebra and problem solving. 

End of Year Guff

  • As a part of the student graduation, we are after a photo of each child from when they commenced school (Foundation). If your child commenced at a different school, we would love it if you could email us a digital copy so we can add it to the presentation. 
  • For the graduation evening, it is expected that students are wearing formal summer uniform. That includes socks 😁
  • Signing gear - we understand that kiddies (and adults) love this and that’s ok. History tells us that it also becomes a great distraction and sometime comments aren’t always written with kindness in mind. We will be talking to students about this but we will also only accept signing gear during the graduation evening. The carers also gift the students a graduation bear as a part of graduating. The students receive those and a marker on that evening for signing purposes.
Year 6 Assembly
The Senior Unit will be presenting assembly next Monday. If you’re available, come along and watch.

It is at this time of year that we sometimes see graduates start to drop off in their behaviours, we are encouraging them to think kind. That is our expectation for the remainder of the year. We have spoken to them how they wish to be remembered and that unkindness will not be tolerated. We ask for your support, where possible, in this endeavour as we aim for everyone to be able to finish their primary schooling on a positive note.

And here’s the whole school guff…

Term 4 Week Whole School Update…


Christmas cards and candy canes

  • There are still a couple weeks of school remaining, so we ask that students do not exchange Christmas cards and candy canes etc until the last few days of school – being Mon 11, Tues 12 and Weds 13 Dec.  


Christmas is Coming – School Family & Friends Event 

  • Friday 1 December starting at 5.00pm to 8.00pm
  • An invitation from Gawler Lutheran Church Community to all school families to celebrate the countdown to Christmas this Friday at Immanuel Gawler on the School Oval.
  • There will be fun children activities, (eg jumpy castle, petting zoo).
  • Food stalls (Hamburger, sausage sizzle, yiros, desserts).  Bring your cash / EFT available too   
  • Christmas Carol singing from 6.30pm (School Choir and staff band) 
  • Bring your chairs, picnic blanket and wear some Christmas colours and bling  
  • We hope to see you all here - no need to RSVP


Scholastic Book Fair 2023

  • At Immanuel Gawler this week Monday 27 November to Friday 1 December in the Tanta Marta (Yr 2/3 area)   
  • Parents and students can come browse and purchase 

8.00am to 9.00am on Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri mornings and 
3.30pm to 5.30pm on Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri afternoons

  • Each class will also have an opportunity to visit and shop from the stall during one of their lesson times 
  • There are lots of books and stationery items – great Christmas gift ideas!


End of Day Routines

  • It happens from time to time that students are not aware of what they need to do at the end of the day. Our standard practice is that if a student is unsure, we send them to the front office and work it out from there.  We advise strongly that parents do not take it upon themselves to take children home, or drop them off (etc), unless they have explicit permission from the child’s parent/caregiver to do so. While we understand it is done as an act of kindness, there is a significant vulnerability and risk in doing so. 


Open Morning 

  • Thursday 30 November starting at 9.30am
  • An opportunity for new families interested in enrolling at Immanuel Gawler from 2025 onwards 


2025 Enrolments 

  • If you have a child / sibling due to start in 2025, please ensure you have submitted the enrolment application form into the school office so we have their name on our data base.  


Transition visits 

  • This Fri 1 Decnext Fri 8 Dec & Mon 11 Dec the new 2024 Foundation students will join us for a transition visit


2024 Fees

  • A reminder to reply to the 2024 Fee Policy Agreement via the e-form on Operoo.  Responses are due by this Friday 1 December.  
  • 2024 tuition accounts will be emailed to all families mid December.   


Basketball / Netball 

  • Term 4 basketball & netball fees are now overdue. If you haven’t yet settled this account please do so at the school office ASAP.  


Library Borrowing

  • Borrowing of books for 2023 will conclude on Fri 1/12/2023
  • Please return all books promptly. 


Worship and Praise

  • W&P this Friday 1 December starting at 10.30am and will be led by Miss Pfeiffer & Foundation 
  • Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers will offer “Coffee B4 Worship & Praise” starting from 10am
  • Last weeks W&P was led by Mrs Eckermann and Pastor Anthony, please click on this link to watch from home  
    ​MOV icon W&P Fri 25-11-23 w' Mrs Eckermann Yr 4 & Pastor Anthony .MOV



  • Monday 4 December starting at 2.40pm presented by the Year 6’s in Taikondi
  • Parents and Friends are welcome to attend 


Immanuel’s Mini Recess time 11am Instrumental Concerts next week 

  • Monday 4/12 with Dallas (singing) in Taikondi
  • Tuesday 5/12 with Michael (Drums) in Taikondi and Dave (Guitar) in Music Room 
  • Thursday 7/12 with Karen (Piano) in Taikondi
  • Friday 8/12 with Dave (Guitar) in Taikondi

Parents / family members can attend too and watch their children perform


End of 2023 Year Arrangements

  • Our last school day for 2023 is Wednesday 13 December.  The Closing Worship and Praise service will be held at 2.00pm on this day.  Parents, Families & Friends are welcome to attend too.  
  • The Yea6 Graduation and Celebration event will be on the Thursday 14 December starting at 6.30pm for year 6 students and their parents only.  Information about this has been sent to year 6 families via an e-form on Operoo.  
  • iGOSH will start the school holiday program from Thursday 14 December 2023


Gawler Christmas Events 

  • Saturday 2 December – Gawler Christmas Parade starts at 7pm.  Murray Street closed at 6pm.  Followed by the lighting of the Riverbank Christmas Display on Julian Terrace  
  • Saturday 9 December - Gawler’s Christmas Carols Event at Pioneer Park 5-9pm.   Immanuel School Choir performing too.


Literacy Videos 

  • Several weeks ago we released a video providing some detail about the literacy program we have at Immanuel Gawler.  The second video in this series has now been released.  You can find it at the link below:



Literacy at Immanuel Gawler Pt 2




  • If you missed the first video, you can find it here:


Literacy at Immanuel Gawler






iGOSH School Holiday Program 

  • The Dec / Jan Holiday program was forwarded to families last week 
  • Bookings are open and are to be made through the Spike Booking App
  • If you can’t book in, that means the day is full. To be added to the waiting lists, please email  
  • Bookings close Monday 4th December at 10am
  • All accounts need to be $0 balance by Friday 1st December so that Vac Care bookings can be confirmed
  • A reminder that iGOSH will be closed from Friday 22 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024

New “Pay as you Go” system

  • This is the last week to sign and return the new direct debit / fee agreement.
  • All IGOSH accounts need to be up to date, with only 1 week of fees outstanding
  • Your Booking App will be blocked if accounts aren’t up to date by the end of this week. Week 8, 9 and Vac Care bookings will not be confirmed until accounts are paid.

Best number to call

  • If you need to make last minute bookings or cancel bookings, please contact the IGOSH mobile 0447 661 555
  • Please avoid calling the office as they aren’t aware of our numbers, hence there may not be a spot
  • If you call the mobile to make extra, short notice bookings, iGOSH staff can still put notes in class trays and email staff about children needing to come to iGOSH at short notice.


Uniform reminders 

  • Students going into year 4 next year will require the formal uniform, so please remember to organise a purchase over the next couple of weeks 
  • Uniform can be purchased through the staff in the office, or you can complete an e-form on Operoo and then collect and pay for it from the office.  


What else is on in Term 4

Foundation Big Day Out – Now re-scheduled for Thursday 7 December

1:1 iPad meeting for yr 3 parents – Thursday 30 Nov 7pm

Zion Preschool Graduation Nights – Tuesday 12 & Wednesday 13 Dec at 5.30pm

Last day of Term 4 - Wednesday 13 December – normal dismissal time 3.25pm


Term 1 2024 returns on Monday 29 January 2024

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