Week 3 Term 1 Memos

Routines are starting to take shape and we have begun to add more meat on the bones of our day to day. Some key things we would like to point out this week are:

Spelling: This week we are looking at the prefix of ‘di’, ‘du’ and ‘bi’. This prefix gives the meaning of 2.
“di” - diverge
“du” - duet
“bi” - bicycle

IT Agreements: these will be discussed this week in class. We ask that you also read through them with your child, so that you can return them ASAP. Once returned, students will receive their iPads so they can have full access. This will include them bringing them to and from school so that they can be recharged overnight as needed.

Unit of Inquiry: we are fully into the flow of our current unit in Who We Are. Today we formally introduced the Central Idea - 

People make choices which impact personal wellbeing. 

This unit is at the core of many activities we are doing and will be doing this year. 

Whole School Info…

Subway Lunches
·         Orders due in Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.
·         Please write clearly on the order form the student name and teacher name

Volunteer Training
We really appreciate parents and caregivers helping at Immanuel, however people who volunteer in a school need to have
  1. Valuing Safe Communities’ (VSC) training.  This will be held Thursday 13 February 2020 at 2.30pm or 6.30pm in the staffroom with Daryl Trigg.   The training session takes 45 minutes. 
  2. Working with Children Check (WWCC)This can be obtained by contacting Jenny in the office. There is no charge if you are volunteering in a school.
More info can be found at https://screening.sa.gov.au/

Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors
·         We are seeking volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help in the morning or at the end of day on a roster basis
·         Training is booked in on:  Thursday 20th February at 03:45pm-04:15pm
·         Please let the office know if you can help 

Junior Youth
  • Thursdays 3.30-5pm in room 6 with Emma Lange (Youth and Ministry staff member)
  • For interested students in Year 4, 5 and 6.

Worship and Praise – Friday 14 Feb at 9am with Ben Jones – all parents invited

Assembly – Monday 17 Feb at 2.45pm

Rhythm Kids
  • Mondays at 9am to 9.30am in Music Room No. 5 with Mr Hueppauff
  • For all 3-5 year old children and their parents.  Its free!

Class Handbooks
  • They contain class routines, uniform days and information for each year level as explained at the recent Parent Information Night. 

Immanuel’s Bus Service
If you are interested in accessing the bus service (morning or afternoon runs) please email darylt@ilsg.sa.edu.au.  We still have spaces for some areas. 

  • If you need before or after school care during term 1 please book in viawww.carebookings.com.au
  • Bookings for next week close this Friday at 2pm
  • Lots of lost property from the holidays – please come collect asap

Upcoming Events
  1. Lutherans Got Talent – Friday 29 February 6.30-10pm – Bushfire Fundraiser
    $10 / adult and $5 / school aged student.  Get a table of 10 together for a fun night.
    click here for more details
  2. Extravaganza – Saturday 14 March – Family Fun day at Immanuel from 11am to 4pm
  3. 3 way Learning Conferences (Parent, Teacher, Student) Term 1 week 5 & 6  - Information on how to book appts is coming soon.

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