Week 4 Term 1 Memos

We are off and racing this term. Hard to believe it, week 4 already. Here is the classroom info we think you need this week...

This week is all about three. We are looking at the prefix ‘trio’.
Examples: trilogy, trident, tricorn
Canberra Camp: 
Look out for the initial camp note to come out soon. This note is important in helping us sort numbers and calculate costs for the camp as well as finalise some of the bookings while we are there.

Thank you for the quick turn around in the IT agreements. This has given us the great opportunity to get cracking with our day to day learning.

Garden Volunteers:
Tuesday Morning is garden time. (Eckermann’s are 9-10, Semmler’s are 10-11) If you can volunteer your time to help out, come along, you are most welcome.

Whole School Info…

Can you help?
As a Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitor
·         We are seeking volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help in the morning or at the end of day on a roster basis
·         Training for the adult volunteers is booked for this Thursday 20th February at 03:45pm-04:15pm with SAPOL Traffic Dept
·         Please let the office know if you can help
·         Year 5 and 6 students will be trained to help also on Thursday 5 March at 9am (more details about their requirement will be sent home later)

Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Day)

Lutherans Got Talent
  • If you or your child has the “Talent” and want to perform please send back your details via this form
  • For those who want to attend “Tickets” are on sale now from the office
  • $10 / adult and $5 / school aged student.  Get a table of 10 together for a fun night.
“Extravaganza” – a Fun Family day

Learning Conferences Term 1 
  • These are a time for parents to catch up with class teachers to share information, learning plans and attain how your child is going in class.   
  • Learning Conferences for students on Personal Learning Plans and Individual Needs Summaries are on: Tuesday 25 February from 4:00 – 8:00pm. 
    To book go to  www.schoolinterviews.com.au  use event code   9jr53 
  • Learning Conferences for remaining students are on Tuesday 3 March & Thursday 5 March from 4:00 – 7:00pm
    To book go to  
    www.schoolinterviews.com.au  use event code:  mcfjg
  • On all three nights our Specialist teachers (music, language, sport) will be available to talk with parents/caregivers too.  They would love to discuss with you what they are doing in your child’s class.  Come to the staff room to meet them where there will be a free sausage sizzle.  

2020Student Residental Address Collection Notice 
  • Our school needs to provide a collection of student addresses (no names) to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment Department.
  • Please read the  attached letter.  for further information. 
Worship and Praise – Friday 21 Feb at 9am with Andrew Boesch – all parents invited

Assembly – Monday 24 Feb at 2.45pm with Specialist teachers (Sport, Language, Music)

Instrumental Tuition
  • If your child has an interest to learn a musical instrument or vocal we have some vacancies with some of our tutors in 2020.  (Dallas - vocal & piano, Karen – piano & flute, Cameron - guitar, Roger - violin,  Zed – drums)
  • If you have an interest please complete a registration form or talk to Mr Hueppauff.  

Subway Lunches
·         Orders due in Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.
·         Please write clearly on the order form the student name and teacher name

Junior Youth
  • Thursdays 3.30-5pm in room 6 with Emma Lange (Youth and Ministry staff member)
  • For interested students in Year 4, 5 and 6.

Rhythm Kids
  • Mondays at 9am to 9.30am in Music Room No. 5 with Mr Hueppauff
  • For all 3-5 year old children and their parents.  Its free!

Immanuel’s Bus Service
If you are interested in accessing the bus service (morning or afternoon runs) please emaildarylt@ilsg.sa.edu.au.  We still have spaces for some areas. 

  • It is our turn to have our Assessment and Rating visit from ACECQA (The Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority)
  • We submitted our Quality Improvement Plan in December 2019 and now they will be visiting our service this Thursday (20th).   They will visit both morning and afternoon sessions.
  • We are very excited about it. 

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