Week 5 Term 1

Here we go again, a rhythm and routine has begun to kick in. Always a positive point in the year. Here are some things we need to know...

Canberra Commitment Forms
Please bring back ASAP

We are looking at the prefixes for 4, 5, 6

Please encourage students to make sure they are charging their iPads ready for the day ahead.

Great to see so many students smashing the 1000 point weekly goal. There are some good points being totalled as a group but also as individuals. Love it!

Whole School Info…

Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Day) – tomorrow morning!
  • Tuesday 25 February – all students and parents can come and join us between 7.45am to 8.45am in the morning to have a pancake for brekky.
  • Under the pergola’s between the staffroom and iGOSH building  
  • Click here for more info

Open Morning Tour
  • Tuesday 25 February 9.30am
  • For new families looking at schools.  Please share with any friends you have looking to enrol at Immanuel. 

Learning Conferences Term 1 
  • Learning Conferences for students on Personal Learning Plans and Individual Needs Summaries are on: Tuesday 25 February from 4:00 – 8:00pm. 
    Booking system is open till Tues 25/2 1pm.  If you haven’t yet booked go to  www.schoolinterviews.com.au  use event code   9jr53.
  • Learning Conferences for remaining students are on Tuesday 3 March & Thursday 5 March from 4:00 – 7:00pm.  To book go to  www.schoolinterviews.com.au  use event code:  mcfjg  (Bookings close Mon 2/3 4pm)
  • On all three nights our Specialist teachers (music, language, sport) will be available to talk with parents/caregivers too.  They would love to discuss with you what they are doing in your child’s class.  Come to the staff room to meet them where there will be a free sausage sizzle.  
  • It is important for all parents to book a time so you can meet your child’s teacher and share information, learning plans and attain how your child is going in class.   

Student photos for school promotions
  • This Wednesday 26 Feb, Pete our local photographer will be at school from 9am to 12noon to take various photos of students which we can use for our website and advertising. 

Lutherans Got Talent
  • Tickets are on sale from the school office or purchase at the door on the night.
  • $10 / adult and $5 / school aged student.
  • We have 20 acts listed to perform (children and adults).  If you have the “Talent” (or not!) and want to perform please send back your details via This Form ASAP
  • Proceeds from the night go towards supporting the local Bushfires (click here for more details)

“Extravaganza” – a Fun Family day
  • Saturday 14 March at Immanuel from 11am to 4pm
  • Organised by the school and the P&F and Carers Group
  • Free entry and amusements (including music, bouncy castle, face painting, animal farm)
  • Food and drinks for sale, dunk tank opportunity to buy
  • Click here to read more
  • Please save this date and join us!

2020Student Residental Address Collection Notice 
  • Our school needs to provide a collection of student addresses (no names) to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment Department.
  • Please read the  attached letter.  for further information. 
Worship and Praise – Friday 28 Feb at 9am with Pastor Geoff – all parents invited

Instrumental Tuition
  • If your child has an interest to learn a musical instrument or vocal we have some vacancies with some of our tutors in 2020.  Please complete a registration form or talk to Mr Hueppauff
  • If you have a musical instrument laying around your house (not in use) Mr Hueppauff will gladly take it off your hands and use at school.  Email dwayneh@ilsg.sa.edu.au with details 


Immanuel Sports Day Friday 27 March
  • Parents and friends welcome to join us on the day 
    More details will be out soon

Immanuel’s Bus Service
If you are interested in accessing the bus service (morning or afternoon runs) please emaildarylt@ilsg.sa.edu.au.  We still have spaces for some areas.

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