Welcome to Year 6 - Week 2 Term 1 Memos

Hopefully post holiday normality has come back to greet your homes after a few days of routine. The students have seemed to have settled in well to Senior Unit life and are taking new things in their stride.

Check out our Spelling page on the left hand side menu. It has our core spelling lists for the year (plus a few extra) and a brief rundown of what we hope students achieve each week.
This week we are concentrating on...
Prefixes that mean one - 'uni' and 'mono'

Other Homework:
Mathletics - this week students can start exploring. Eventually, we will be encouraging students to reach 1000 points
Reading - most important, reading is a key life skill, practice is always needed

Tuesday Mornings - for gardening. Two sessions are available (9-10am and 10-11am)
Wednesday Mornings - for cooking. Two sessions available here as well (9:30-11:00am and 11:40am-1:10pm)
If you can volunteer for any of these sessions times or multiple, we would love to see you.

All About Me:
Students have done a great job bringing in 5 objects that give an insight into who they are. For those students who haven't brought anything in to share, please remind them to do so before the week is finished.

Subscribe to this blog:
Please hit the subscribe button above and follow the instructions. That way you will be notified any time something is added to this blog. It is an easy way to be kept up to date with the Senior Unit happenings.

This term, we are reading and exploring the text Holes as a class novel. We personally love the book. If you know the story and or plot, please don't give it away to the students.

Whole School Info

Junior Youth

Starts this Thursday 6 February 3.30-5pm in room 6
For interested students in Year 4, 5 and 6.
Coordinated by Emma Lange (Youth and Ministry staff member) and a group of volunteers from Gawler Lutheran Church. 

Parents & Friends (P&F)

The Immanuel P&F are a group working together for our school community to deliver experiences for students and their families outside of the classroom.  We work together to provide a friendly community that allows parents to be actively involved in the operation and culture of our school.

The first meeting for 2020 will be held Thursday 6 February starting at 7pm in the staffroom. 
All parents (new and old) are welcome to come along to find out more.     A light supper will be provided.

Carers Group

The Carers Group help each class with meals, cards, and help in time of need. 

·         Their first meeting is Friday 7 February  at 9.30am in room 6 (following Worship & Praise). 

·         Come along, meet other parents and find out more.    

Subway Lunches

·         Orders due in Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.

·         Please write clearly on the order from the student name and teacher name.

·         Please place in a clear zip bag so we can see order form or insert money in an envelope and stick the order form on the front. 

·         Please have correct cash / student as this goes direct to Subway for counting.  

Worship and Praise – Friday 7 Feb at 9am with Emma Lange – all invited

Rhythm Kids 2020

Starts next Monday 10 Feb 9am to 9.30am in Music Room No. 5 with Mr Hueppauff
For all 3-5 year old children and their parents.  Its free!

Scholastic Book  Orders

·         Issue 1 catalogues went home last week

·         Orders due back Friday 14 Feb (order and pay online or return the form and cash to the office)

Volunteer Training

We really appreciate parents and caregivers helping at Immanuel, however people who volunteer in a school need to have

‘Valuing Safe Communities’ (VSC) training. This will be held Thursday 13 February 2020 at 2.30pm or 6.30pm in the staffroom with Daryl Trigg. 
Working with Children Check (WWCC)This can be obtained by contacting Jenny in the office. There is no charge if you are volunteering in a school.
More info can be found at https://screening.sa.gov.au/

Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors

·         This year we will revert back to having the Lolly Pop Sticks and Monitors being used.  

·         We are seeking volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help in the morning or at the end of day on a roster basis

·         Training is booked in on:  Thursday 20th February at 03:45pm-04:15pm

·         Please let the office know if you can help 

Immanuel’s Bus Service

If you are interested in accessing the bus service (morning or afternoon runs) please email darylt@ilsg.sa.edu.au.  We still have spaces for some areas.


If you need before or after school care during term 1 please book in via www.carebookings.com.au
Bookings for next week close this Friday at 2pm
Lots of lost property from the holidays – please come collect asap

Family Database Check Forms

Please remember to bring back the yellow form to confirm parent contacts and student medical information on our files are correct for 2020. 

Upcoming Big Events

Lutherans Got Talent – Friday 29 February 6.30-10pm – Bushfire Fundraiser

Extravaganza – Saturday 14 March – Family Fun day at Immanuel

Extra information will be uploaded to the Schools Website and Facebook soon. 

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