Monday Memos Week 3 Term 3

Plenty of action today:

In the classroom this week we are looking: 
  • At roles and rules of student parliament with the aim to begin our sitting parliament in the next few weeks. 
  • We will also aim to look at renewable sources of energy and how they can be harnessed. 
Now for other news...

Whole School Info


  • The Oval is open for parking in the morning for drop off and afternoon for pick up.  Please drive slowly with care.
  • East Terrace parking - please do not park at the end of residents driveways restricting their access to their property  


Uniform and shoes

  • There are a significant number of students wearing sneakers instead of the correct leather shoes when in formal uniform.
    If you child needs to wear sneakers for any reason then we would appreciate a note to say why.
  • The full uniform policy is on our website at


Girls:  Sports Uniform: Supportive sports shoes with white socks  (anklet or ankle height)

          Formal Uniform: Black lace up shoes or girl buckle style with white socks (ankle height)

Boys: Sports Uniform: Supportive Sports shoes with white socks  (anklet or ankle height)

          Formal Uniform: Black lace up shoes or Velcro style with grey socks (ankle height)


Scholastic Book Club

  • Orders from Issue 5 catalogues are due in by Tuesday  4 August (online or via the office)


Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) - Volunteer Training for parents / friends

  • VSC Training is on Weds 5 August at 2.30pm and Thurs 6 August at 6.30pm in the admin building with Daryl.  We request that all parents who want to help with excursions, camps and class activities have a current VSC certificate. 

Please RSVP via email or contact the office.  

  • We have revised the policy where parents will need to attend their first VSC training session face to face with the Principal and then can renew the training every 3 years via an online session.    Please contact Jenny for the details on how to renew online.
  • All volunteers in a school must also have a Working with Children Check (WWCC)  
    The WWCC check can be initiated via emailing with your name and date of birth.  It is free as a volunteer. 


Subway Lunches

  • Orders in by Wednesday for lunch on Fridays.  Order forms in the office or click here


Canned Food Collection drive

  • This is the last week to bring in any cans of food (eg canned spaghetti, soup, tuna, fruit, vegies, etc) for the Lutheran Community Care Winter Appeal
  • The race is on to see what School House Team Group can donate the most!  Head to the Taikondi to see how much is there already!
  • House team captains will present their cans creatively on Friday and will proudly hand them over to LCC at Assembly on Monday 10 August. 
    Great work everyone!  


Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s focus is on “Being Responsible”


Student PLP Conferences

  • If your child is on a PLP, appointment times with teachers were offered last week and for this week.  If you have not yet booked the appointment time please email your teacher ASAP to arrange the meeting time.


Student Learning Conferences

  • These will be held Term 3, week 5 and 6 over various day.  Information on how to book will be sent home to families soon.

NB.  If you have already had a PLP meeting (in week 2/3) then you don’t need a student learning conference.


Worship & Praise

  • Last Friday T3 W2 – Steve McLoughlin’s year 1 class presented Worship and Praise.  It was about Noah’s Dove.   Click here to view. 


Gawler Lutheran Church - Sunday Family Worship

  • At Immanuel School in Taikondi at 10.30am every Sunday  
  • All families are welcome to join in.  Please arrive from 10am to sign in and find a seat


iGOSH Vacation Care Program

  • Online bookings for each week close at 2pm on the Friday prior.  Any changes or new bookings then need to be made direct with Katrina via phone or email.  Please note that these bookings are charged at the casual rate. 
  • All children who attend iGOSH, must provide a copy of their immunisation record. This can be accessed through your mygov and emailed to If you haven’t yet done this for your child, please do so ASAP. 
  • Please have a look at our vac care photo wall when you are next in.  It shows all the fun we had over the holidays.  If you would like copies of any of the photos please email me and I am more than happy to forward you a copy.
  • Term 4 2020 finishes on Weds 9 Dec.  iGOSH will be available from Thurs 10 Dec through to Fri 18 Dec 2020.  Then closed for Christmas and New Year, reopening on Monday 4 January 2021.   
  • Other information on iGOSH can be found on the schools website at


School Photo Day

  • Wednesday 26 August
  • Ordering information and envelopes will be sent home soon


Disco Night

  • Friday 28 August.  F,1,2,3’s starts 6.00 -7.15pm / Yr 4,5,6 starts 7.30-8.45pm
  • More details coming soon


Friday 4 September is a Student Free Day

  • iGOSH will be open for those families who need care.  Bookings can be made via the online booking system now. 


Premier’s Reading Challenge

  • Reading concludes for the Premier’s Reading Challenge on 4th September 2020.
  • As in previous years, students will need to read 12 books to complete the challenge.
  • Unlike previous years, there is no requirement that students read a certain number of books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge list – they have free choice to read any twelve books, although those on the Premier’s Reading Challenge list are recommended

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