Monday Memos Week 4 Term 3

 Good afternoon everyone,

Students have been asked to find a picture book that they enjoyed as a younger child and bring it in. They will be creating a video of themselves reading their book to practise fluency, expression and IT skills.

This week we are focusing on harnessing renewable energy and documenting the transfer of the power generated.  The task is outlined below:

UOI - Renewable Energy

1) Choose a renewable energy to inquire into. -Solar -Wind -Water or Tidal -Geothermal -Hydrogen -Biomass 2) Collect research and complete a Frayer model. 3) Process of harnessing the energy (Create a diagram) 4) Using technology skills, create a 3D model. (It can be moving or stationary)

Enjoy your week!

Whole School Info

Student Learning Conferences

  • These will be held Tuesday 18 August, Thursday 20 August and Wednesday 26 August between 3.45pm to 6.30pm.   
    Please book via – enter the code v2fqg

Further information is being emailed home to families today. 

NB.  If you have already had a PLP meeting (in week 2/3) then you don’t need a student learning conference.


Correct shoes to wear at school


  • There is a significant number of students wearing sneakers instead of the correct leather shoes when in formal uniform.

If you child needs to wear sneakers for any reason then we would appreciate a note to say why.


Footwear Policy

Girls:  Sports Uniform: Supportive sports shoes with white socks  (anklet or ankle height)

          Formal Uniform: Black lace up shoes or girl buckle style with white socks (ankle height)

Boys: Sports Uniform: Supportive Sports shoes with white socks  (anklet or ankle height)

          Formal Uniform: Black lace up shoes or Velcro style with grey socks (ankle height)




School Concert (F-3’s)

  • Information about format, dates, tickets and costumes will be sent home to F-3 families tomorrow 

School Photo Day  Wednesday 26 August

  • Individually named student envelopes were sent home last Friday
  • Please return by Friday 21 August.   These must be returned even if you are not placing an order
  • Sibling group photo envelopes are available from the office
  • Students (in Ye 2-6) will need to wear their full formal uniform, whilst F-1 students will wear sports uniform. 

Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s focus is on “Choose your own adventure”

iGOSH Vacation Care Program

  • An email was sent to all iGOSH families this morning (from Katrina) regarding the new changes involving immunisation and child care / OSHC.   What this means is that unless you have provided iGOSH with your child’s current immunisation records they cannot attend or access the service.
    • If your child is not fully immunised they cannot attend or access the service.   The dead line for this will be Friday 14 August.
    • Families will receive letters this Friday 14  if they haven’t supplied their immunisation records cancelling their future bookings until the record is received. If you aren’t sure if you have forwarded a copy to iGOSH, please email   Your prompt response is appreciated
  • We hope you enjoy reading the observations iGOSH staff write about your child. We would now like to incorporate group observations as well which require consent for your child’s name and photo to be used in a group situation and on other children’s observations forms. There is more information and a checklist on the front desk at iGOSH. Please read and sign for your child.

Disco Night

  • Friday 28 August.  F,1,2,3’s starts 6.00 -7.15pm / Yr 4,5,6 starts 7.30-8.45pm
  • More details coming soon

Friday 4 September is a Student Free Day

  • iGOSH will be open for those families who need care.  Bookings can be made via the online booking system now. 

Lost Jumpers

  • There are so many rugby jumpers in the office lost property box with no name.  Please remember to clearly name your child’s clothing items.

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