Monday Memos Week 6 Term 3

Welcome to another week of frivolity and learning. 

As we enter the back half of the year, we have been impressed by some of the work students are beginning to present and the willingness to get down and audit homes for electrical appliances. Some very interesting discoveries were made including unknown charging chords plugged in waiting for a device that may no longer exist. 

School photos 

As it is your child's last chance to have a primary school photo and they will have a graduating photo on top of that, we ask that every effort is made to be in the correct uniform. This includes shoes, hair and beards. Appropriate black shoes should be worn, hair if shoulder length needs to be tied up (we like to see the faces of the students in our class photos) and beards trimmed neatly.

Whole School Info

Pancake Breakfast – tomorrow morning

  • Tuesday 25 August from 8am till 8.45am in the senior unit courtyard
  • For students and parents  - no cost
  • Parents are reminded to social distance as per covid regulations
  • Thanks Emma Lange and Gawler Lutheran Church

School Photo Day  Wednesday 26 August

  • What to wear:   Students in Yr 2-6 need to wear their full formal uniform (+ green jumper) whilst F-1 students will wear sports uniform (+ rugby jumper)
  • Photographers will start at 9am.  Year 6’s are up first followed by F to yr 5’s and then the family groups
  • All envelopes must be returned even if you are not placing an order
  • Sibling group photo envelopes are available from the office

Casual Day to support Daffodil Day - Friday 28 August

  • Students can wear casual clothes with a splash of yellow (T-shirt, socks, ribbons, etc) and bring a gold coin donation


As part of “Yr 4 Action Friday- a group  of Year 4’s are fundraising for sports equipment by:

  • Guess the Jelly Bean Jar in the office 50c / guess
  • An Afternoon Stall on Friday 28 August 3.25 to 4pm selling biscuits, fruit kebabs, cake and brownies – all at 50 cents each

Disco Night

  • Friday 28 August.  F,1,2,3’s starts @ 6.00pm till 7.15pm / Yr 4,5,6 starts 7.30am till 8.45pm.  Please drop off and collect your child promptly. 
  • Click here to download the flyer and registration form and return by Weds 26/8
  • Due to Covid regulations we cannot allow parents to gather and stay onsite during the Disco (other than those who are volunteering).   

Open Day - Principal’s Tour

  • Sunday 30 August at 2.00pm

This opportunity is for new families interested in enrolling at Immanuel.  Please share if you know of anyone with an interest.

ICAS English and Digital Technologies Tests will be conducted this week for those students who registered

Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s focus is on “Cooperation

Scholastic Book Club

  • Issue 6 catalogues have been sent home today.  Orders are due back by Tuesday 8 Sept. 

School Concert (F-3’s)
Due to COVID 19 restrictions the concert will be performed over 3 days which enables a larger audience to view the performances over the week

  • Foundation Concert on Tuesday 1 September
  • Year 1 Concert on Wednesday 2 September
  • Year 2 and 3 Concert on Thursday 3 September
    Each concert will have a MATINEE performance commencing at 2.30pm and an EVENING performance commencing at 6.30pm
  • Tickets are free this year, however, there are restrictions.  
    • Maximum of 4 tickets per family of Foundation and Yr 1 for each concert time.
    • Maximum of 3 tickets per family of Yr 2 and Yr 3 families for each concert time.
  • Please book your tickets via  with the code c6vr6, by close of day Friday 28 August.
    Please follow the instructions and provide your name, contact number and list all names of attendees

Friday 4 September is a Student Free Day for all students


·       When dropping your children off in the mornings, we would appreciate if you could help your child hang up their bag. Please do not put it near the door entrance as this then becomes a tripping hazard.

·       iGOSH is open for the Student Free Day Friday 4 September, 7am to 6pm. The day will cost $60, with the children taking part in art and craft, cooking and game activities.

Please book via 
Bookings close Friday 28 August at 2pm. Confirmation and consent forms will come home Monday 31 August.  

·       The Sept/Oct Vacation Care Program will be sent home via students this Friday. Bookings will open Monday 31 August at 10am and close Friday 18 September at 2pm.
We have decided to offer 2 excursions these holidays, but these may change depending on the current situation and if restrictions change.

Last vac care fees will need to be paid before you can access this holiday time care and accounts are not to be over $500.  Your prompt payment of your account is appreciated.

Lost Jumpers

  • There are so many rugby jumpers in the office lost property box with no name.  Please remember to clearly name your child’s clothing items. 

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