Monday Memos Week 1 Term 4

That's right, the final term of primary schooling for our graduating students.We hope everyone got the most they could out of the school holidays and are ready for a productive final term.

This week is busy and active, so...

Sports Uniform:

Due to students taking part in Bike Ed this week, students are able and encouraged to wear sports uniform all week. 


We are into it as we prepare to present during Week 5. Due to Covid conditions, the Exhibition this year will be presented online. Stay tuned for more information.

Also, don't forget our Exhibition Blog:


This week you will receive a camp consent and medical form to be filled out and returned by this Friday as mentioned in the camp note last term. Please refer back to this note for more information.

Camp is Week 6, Wednesday to Friday

Spelling Program:

Spelling will not be part of our learning over the next five weeks as we concentrate our efforts on the Exhibition. This will enable students to have more time at school but also time at home to work on their research and presentations.

Whole School Info

Welcome to term 4.  We hope you had a wonderful holiday break and enjoyed the spring weather.

Welcome to 3 new families starting this term. 

Term 4 is a 9 week term and concludes Wednesday 9 December. 


Summer Uniform is to be worn from Term 4.  

·         This refers to the formal uniform for students in Yr 2-6;  Summer Dress or Navy Skorts & Blouse for girls and Grey Shorts Short Sleeve Shirt for boys.    

·         Some students have been wearing non-uniform sports items to school.  Please purchase all sports shorts and trackpants via the uniform shop. 

·         The Uniform shop is open Monday mornings (8.30-9.15am) and Friday afternoons (3-3.45pm) for purchases.

·         The Second Hand Uniform shop is open Tuesdays 8.45-9.15am and Wednesdays 3.15-3.45pm. 

·         HATS are required to be worn in Term 4 (no hat, no play).  Please ensure they are clearly named.  


2021 Class Placements

  • At this time each year we ask for any input from families around class placement for 2021.  Generally this input will be around learning needs and information that will help us place students in class groups for maximum success. We ask that families refrain from ‘requesting teachers’ especially as teaching staff can change (due to either leaving our school or changing grades).     
  • This year we ask parents to provide their input via logging onto and enter the code  cftqc.  This will enable all comments given to us in the one place (versus an email to Daryl in the past).   Please provide any information by Monday 26 October.
  • If you are not returning to Immanuel in 2021 (other than moving into a secondary school) please be reminded that a terms notice is required. 


Immanuel Gawler Feedback / Information Survey Term 4 2020

  • Tomorrow all families will receive an email with a link to complete a survey via “Survey Monkey”.  Your input will greatly help us as we make decisions/plans for 2021 and beyond. 


W & P on Fridays / Assemblies Monday W4 & 8  

  • Again in term 4 students will meet for these altogether in Taikondi, however parents/caregivers will not be able to attend (until further advised).    We will continue to record and upload these onto our website for families to view from home. 


Parents Volunteering in classrooms

  • We will still not resume parents coming into classrooms, and so morning reading is still in hiatus.


Rhythm Kids

  • Mr Hueppauff hosts this event every Monday morning 9am to 9.45am for pre-schoolers aged 3-5yrs (and their parent).


Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This continues again in term 4 and the focus will be on “courage”



·         Thanks for a fun Vacation Care. We hope the children enjoyed the days they came.

·         Please check the lost property box at iGOSH if you have lost something.

·         Please fill in the feedback on the iGOSH front desk, this all helps with future planning.    We will also have a display of photos on our photo board soon.

·         Online Bookings for this week have closed. Please ring or email Katrina for bookings this week.

·         Please go online and book for future weeks. Bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead.

·         A reminder that children will need to have hats if they want to play outside at iGOSH. Please make sure they have their school hat in their bag for the days they come to iGOSH. We also have hat tubs where the children can leave a spare school hat to use when they come to iGOSH.    We can get you a spare school hat at a cost of $10 added to your account that you may leave here for their spare. Please see iGOSH staff if you would like to do this


Family Photo Session (P&F fundraiser)

Do you need a new family portrait?  If so you may be interested in a $20 photo session which includes a 8x10 print.   

  • When: Sat 7 Nov & Sun 8 Nov at an outdoor venue (Dead Mans Pass Gawler) 
  • With who:  Rachael Anne Photography -  click here for contact details
  • Please book by Friday 30 October to secure a spot.


Some things on this term (depending on Covid regulations)

Book Week 2020 is next week.  Theme “Curious Creatures, Wild Minds”.  Dress up day Thursday 22 October

VSC Training for Volunteers  - Weds 28 October at 2.30 or 6.30pm (more details here)

Disco – Fri 30 Oct (more details soon)

Bingo Night – Friday 6 Nov (P&F event for families)

Family Photo Day  – Sat 7 & Sun 8 Nov (as per above)

Open Day – Sun 8 Nov at 2pm & Open Morning Thursday 12 Nov at 9.30am.  For new families wanting to enrol. 

Year 6 Exhibition -  Wed 11 November (more details soon)

Last day of School– Weds 9 Dec

Graduation function for year 6’s – Thurs 10 Dec (evening)

iGOSH – available from Thurs 10 Dec to Mon 25 Jan 2021 (closed from 21/12/20 to 3/1/21)


Peaceful Kids Program

  • Andrea White facilitates this Mindfulness and Positive Psychology program for students  
  • This 8 week course starts at Immanuel this Thursday 15/10 and there are still vacancies.   
  • Click here to read more about the program and register your interest either direct to Andrea or to the school office.

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