Monday Memos Week 4 Term 4

Exhibition is due to be completed in 6 school days. That’s right, 6 school days. That is completed by the end of next Tuesday, ready to be presented and released to the masses on Wednesday (everything going to plan that is).


Camp is coming up in week 6. We are still looking for a parent volunteer with all the training to come along. Wednesday 18th - 20th November are the dates. Would love to hear from anyone who thinks they might be able to come along.

Parent Notes:

If a student is unable to wear the right uniform or has an injury, please let us know by writing a note or email or speaking to us in person so that we have an understanding of what is happening.

Whole School Info


Daly Street Carpark access

This Wednesday morning 4 November the Daly St carpark will be closed due to significant traffic (associated with the new building) entering and exiting the school. If possible please use Lyndoch Rd entrance or enter from East Tce. School Lane will be accessible but you can expect some delays.


IB Evaluation Team

Many thanks to our school parents and council members who made the time to speak to the IB Evaluation team last week. The team was very congratulatory of our school and community and their findings will help shape the directions we make and take in the coming years.


Worship and Praise – Friday 6 November 9.30am

Mr Blasche Foundation class will be presenting

With some Covid regulations now easing, we can again invite parents and friends to join us at Worship and Praise on Fridays.

However you must register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code v6uw3

(This will enable us to keep an attendance record)


Wellbeing and Circle Time

This week’s topic is “choose your own adventure”


P&F Bingo Night  

Friday 6 November for families and friends, children can attend too and play (if capable)

Arrive from 6.30pm for a 7pm start

Tickets are $10 (includes entry and 1 bingo book)

Drinks for sale

Bring your own snacks and some gold coins for the extra games

Please RSVP by returning the slip and payment by Thursday 5 Nov.  Click here for the form.

We require the RSVP and a list of names to enable a Covid safe event


P&F Kite Fundraiser

Orders closed this Friday 6 Nov.  Go to to order.

A great Christmas gift!


Open Morning / Open Days  - Principal’s Tour

Sunday 8 November at 2.00pm

Thursday 12 November at 9.30am

These are for new families interested in enrolling at Immanuel.  Please share if you know of anyone with an interest.


Family Photo Session

This Sat 7 Nov & Sun 8 Nov

There is one more spot on Saturday at 12 noon - contact Rachael Anne Photography if you want to book.  click here for contact details



·         iGOSH will be available during Dec/Jan school holiday time from Thurs 10 Dec through to Fri 18 Dec 2020.  Then closed for Christmas and New Year, reopening on Mon 4 Jan through to Mon 25 Jan 2021.  The program will be out Fri 13 Nov, and bookings can be made up till Mon 30 Nov at 10am. 

·         Term 3 Vac Care accounts are now due.  Please finalise ASAP.


End of 2020 Year Arrangements

Semester 2 reports will be sent home in week 8, along with class lists for 2021.

Move up day will be held on Monday 7 December.  Students will meet their 2021 teacher and spend some time in their new classroom.  

Bookpacks for 2021 will be sent home too.

Our last school day for 2020 is Wednesday 9 December

The End of Year and Graduation Service will be held that day.  However due to Covid regulations still in place at this stage we cannot yet advise if parents will be able to attend

Celebration Evening for Yr 6’s will be on the Thursday evening 10 December 

iGOSH will start the school holiday program from Thursday 10 December

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