Monday Memos Final Week Term 4

Congratulations to all, the end of the year has been reached and now we just need to graduate the students. If we don't get a chance to see you again, good luck and God's blessing for the road ahead. 

iPads -

iPad's will be able to be picked up Wednesday for those who have finalised payments.

Whole School Info

It has certainly been a year with a difference and our staff would like to pass on it’s gratefulness and appreciation for your support and encouragement of our school during 2020.

We wish you all every blessing for the festive season and a safe and happy break (for those who are having one).

2021 class groupings

·         Today we held Move Up” day which gave students the opportunity to meet their 2021 teacher, and spend time in their new classroom and group.

·         Student Book packs were sent home.  Please read the note provided by your 2021 teacher, cover and label the books and return on the first day back in 2021.  

2021 class teachers

Foundation -  Mr Blasche, Miss Pfeiffer, Mrs Jones & Mrs Manning

Year 1 -  Mr McLoughlin, Mrs Roberts

Year 2 -  Mr Lord, Miss Sunman

Year 3 -  Mrs Rollings & Mrs Tilbrook, Mrs McDonald & Mrs Siviour

Year 4 -  Mrs Altus, Mr Jones

Year 5 -  Mrs Kreymborg, Mr Tiller

Year 6 -  Mrs Eckermann, Mr Semmler

We farewell Mrs Bosworth

Last day of School is Wed 9 Dec 2020

  • Students are to wear their formal summer school uniform (except for foundation and year 1 students who will wear sports uniform)
  • At 2pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi.   This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise where our year 6 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.  
  • All students will be involved in some way   
  • Unfortunately this year due to Covid we can only allow a limited number of parents / caregivers, so each year 6 student has been allowed 2 guests to attend.
  • We will professionally film the service and share the link with all families.
  • Students will return to their class following the service and then will be dismissed at 3.25pm.

Library Books

·      If you still have library books at home please return them ASAP

Important Dates for 2021

  • Fri 15 Jan -  Office open 9am to 4pm for payment of accounts (first instalment is due / early payment discount due date and School Uniform Shop open
  • Tues 19  & Thurs 21 Jan - Office and School Uniform Shop Open 9am to 4pm
  • Weds 27 Jan - First day of school for 2021
  • Thurs 28 Jan - Parent Information Evening starts at 6.45pm for all classes


  • The school Holiday 2020/2021 confirmation letters & consent forms were sent home last week.  Please sign and return by Weds 9/12.

Casual bookings can still be made as needed via contacting Katrina by phone or email - or 0447 661 555

  • Hats are compulsory for all vac care days – if children attend and have no hat they will be given a school hat and charged $10 on their iGOSH account.  Hats will remain in iGOSH
  • IGOSH this Friday 11/12 were booked into Latitude.  However due to current restrictions Latitude is not open.  We have now booked into AFL Max, leaving school around 9 and returning by 3pm.   If you DO NOT want your child to be part of this excursion, then please email  by 9am tomorrow morning (Tuesday 8/12/20)  There will be no cancellation fees if you choose to cancel.
  • Bookings for 2021 Terms 1-4 can now be made via online. 

Bus Run for Immanuel 2021

2021 Term Dates

  • Term 1:   Weds 27 Jan to Fri 9 April
  • Term 2:   Tues 27 April to Fri 25 June
  • Term 3:   Mon 19 July to Fri 24 Sept
  • Term 4:   Mon 11 Oct to Wed 8 Dec

You are welcome to attend the following Gawler Lutheran Church Christmas services

Christmas Eve

6.30pm “An Aussie Christmas” at Immanuel School

7.00pm and 9.00pm  “Carols and Readings” at Immanuel Worship Centre (Cnr 2nd & 7th Streets Gawler)

Christmas Day

9.00am at Immanuel School 


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