Monday Memos Week 3 Term 1


Thursday, February 18 the Senior Unit will be visiting AGSA-Art Gallery South Australia in North Terrace, Adelaide. We require volunteers to drive a group of students for this excursion so if you are free and willing to assist please be in touch via email. 


Thank you for the excellent standards you are encouraging.  Sport uniform:Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Formal uniform; Wednesday and Thursday.


Great commitment to spelling homework this week. It has been pleasing to see so many students completing work conscientiously.


Keep up with encouraging 1000 points per week.


We are in the process of collecting data to allow students to access literacy pro. We hope to visit the library this week.

Lyndoch Road Traffic Monitor Duty consent

Please return the consent form for your child to assist as a traffic monitor asap so a roster can be developed 

Whole School Update…

Aquatics for Found, Year 1 & 2’s

  • Notes for this program have gone home today.  Please read and return accordingly


ICT Acceptable Use Agreement Forms

These have gone home to students in years F to 5.  Please read, sign and return accordingly


Covid-Safe Check-In

  • We now have a QR code that has been issued to us by SA Health (in relation to COVID tracing).
  • As from today Monday 8 February all adults (staff, parents, caregivers, volunteers) entering our school grounds need to check in each time they enter our site. Students do not.
  • We will have a number of the signs with the QR Code placed around our school for your convenience.
  • If you cannot sign in electronically using your mobile phone, please sign in via the office in the visitor register book
  • Please continue to observe social distancing and hygiene practices whilst on site too.


Volunteer Training

We really appreciate parents and caregivers helping at Immanuel, however people who volunteer in a school need to have

  1. Valuing Safe Communities’ (VSC) training. 
    This will be held this week Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 2.30pm or at 6.30pm in the Library with Daryl Trigg. 
    (Please RSVP by emailing
  2. Working with Children Check (WWCC)
    This can be obtained by contacting Jenny in the office. There is no charge if you are volunteering in a school.

More info can be found at

If you will have an interest to attend an excursion, camp or help in the classroom this year, please ensure you have the above paperwork in place. 


Worship and Praise

Friday 12 February starting at 9.30am.

  • Mrs Kreymborg Year 5 class will be presenting

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code ezkte


Subway Lunches

·         Orders due into the office on a Wednesday by 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.

·         Please write clearly on the order form the student name and teacher name and place in clear bag or envelope, so we can see the name. 


Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s topic is “Bad times don’t last / Bouncing back from injury or illness”


Rhythm Kids 2021

  • Mondays at 9am to 9.30am in Music Room No. 5 with Mr Hueppauff
  • For all 3-5 year old children and their parents.  Its free!


Scholastic Book Orders

·         Issue 1 orders due in Friday 12 February


Lyndoch Road Crossing Monitors

  • Lyndoch Rd is a busy road for children to cross, so we use our lolly pop volunteers to help. 
  • The year 5 and 6 students were trained on Thursday 4/2/21 by the SA Traffic Police Dept and will now be teamed up with an adult volunteer on a morning / afternoon roster. 
  • We are seeking some more volunteers (parents, grandparents, local community people) to help with this.  Training for the adult volunteers is booked for Monday 22 February at 3:35pm  to 4:05pm.   Please let the office know if you can help with this important role.


School Uniform Shop Purchases

·         During term 1 please see the office staff for sales assistance and we can help you


Second Hand Uniform Shop Stall

·         Thank you to Rashidah (school parent) for volunteering to look after this stall.  

·         It will open every Wednesday afternoon between  3.10-3.40pm and every Friday morning between 8.45am to 9.15am  


Carers Group

·         The first meeting for 2021 is Friday 12 February at 10am (following Worship & Praise).  Meet in Taikondi.  

·         Come along, meet other parents and find out what the Carers Group is all about.    


Learning Conferences Term 1 

·         Learning Conferences are a time to catch up with class teachers to share information, learning plans and find out how your child is going in class.  Students also have an opportunity to share their learning and advocate for themselves.

·         For students on Personal Learning Plans and Individual Needs Summaries, the Learning Conferences will be scheduled in Term 1 Week 4 & 5.  Teacher will be in contact soon with these particular parents of students to book a time. 

·         Learning Conferences for the remaining students will be scheduled in Term 1 Week 6 & 7.  Stay tuned for the booking process. 



Booking Reminders:

·         Bookings close 2pm each Friday for the week ahead. Any changes after this will need to be emailed to Katrina, changed with staff at iGOSH or a phone call.


Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Day)

  • Tuesday 16 February - students and parents can come join us between 8.00am to 8.45am to have a pancake for brekky.
  • Under the pergola’s between the staffroom and iGOSH building  

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