Monday Memos Week 5 Term 1

Time is flying, week five already. A special thank you to Vicki, Sarah and Emily for coming along on a fairly warm day to enjoy some portraiture and street art. It was great to hear students openly discussing what the observed and understood about the art works they have seen.

Spelling: List 4 words

The prefixes for numbers 4,5,6


In recent weeks we have been exploring ourselves and the influences on our lives. With this as a background, we will start to look at how choices that we make impact our well-being. Our recent art gallery visit will feed into this unit as we prepare to create their own self-portrait.

Whole School Update…

Open Day

·         Tuesday 23 February at 9.30am

·         If you know of any new families looking to enrol, please share these details

·         If you have a sibling due to start school in 2022 or 2023 please ensure you have the enrolment form submitted

Learning Conferences Term 1 

  • Learning Conferences for all students (except those on PLPs) will be held on:

Tuesday 2 March 3.30 to 6pm, Thursday 4 March  3.30 to 8pm, Wednesday 10 March 3.30 to 6pm. 

Worship and Praise

  • Friday 26 February starting at 9.30am
  • Mr Tiller’s Year 5 class will be presenting
  • Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code nrycf


  • Monday 1 March starting at 2.45pm
  • Specialist teachers will present
  • Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code ptppa

Wellbeing and Circle Time

  • This week’s topic is practicing helpful thinking.

Student Residental Address Survey 2021

  • Our school is required to provide the Australian Government with a list of all students and parents residential addresses.  No names are included. 
  • Please click here to read the information.  Our school will be submitting this information by the end of this week. 

School Lane Access

  • Please remember that you cannot drive up School Lane direct from Daly Street.  You need to enter our school carpark off Daly Street and then exit the gate and turn left up school lane.  It is a one way road so please drive with care, and remember the 10km/h speed zone.

Subway Lunches  

  • Subway Gawler (Murray Street) will now provide the school lunches.  (Not Subway Gawler Green – Tony has sold his business)
  • Orders are due into the office on a Wednesday by 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.
    Please write clearly on the order form the student name and teacher name and place in clear bag or envelope, so we can see the name.

School Uniform Shop Purchases

·         During term 1 please see the office staff for sales assistance and we can help you

Second Hand Uniform Shop Stall

·         Thank you to Rashidah (school parent) for volunteering to look after this stall.  

·         It will open every Wednesday afternoon between 3.10-3.40pm and every Friday morning between 8.45am to 9.15am 

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