Monday memos Term 1 Week 10

It was fantastic to spend time with some of you on the weekend as we put our stamp on the Immanuel Allstars entry in the Relay For Life. It gave us lots to talk about today and special recognition should go to Sara Grafton and Nat Kralj who walked an enormous amount! Over 23 kilometers! 

THANKYOU EVERYONE for your great commitment for a really memorable event.

Camp- Look for a note this week.

School tops- Look for a note Wednesday.

Maccas or Bust!

 Over the last week or so we have been working on a Maths unit that is all about Speed / Distance / Time.

The students have put together a presentation that is aimed to prove that we can make it to Maccas and back inside a lesson (plus recess).  So, our plan is to test out all of this by going to Maccas on Thursday this week during our maths lesson. The students will be allowed to spend a maximum of $5.

We will have 4 staff members accompanying this venture and we can do it under the ‘local excursion consent’ process, but if you would prefer that your child does not attend, please let us know.  A good part of the process would be to get them to show you their work on this and see if they can convince you that it is possible!!

Vintage car rally breakfast- On Sunday April 11 Senior Unit will be fundraising towards the Canberra camp expenses by holding a breakfast for the rally participants.  It will be from 7.30 to about 9am. We require 5-6 helpers so if you are interested in helping let the SU teachers know.

Worship and Praise this week will be held on Thursday 1 April starting at 2.40pm to 3.10pm

·         Mr Hueppauff will be presenting this special Maundy Thursday service

·         Parents and friends are welcome to join us, register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code 7ttu6


Easter Blessings

·         May you be blessed with our Lord's love and peace this Easter and remember the miracle of Jesusresurrection and His endless love.

·         Please have a safe and joyful Easter long weekend. 

·         Families are welcome to attend Gawler Lutheran Church Services over the weekend.

o   Maundy Thursday 6.30pm at Immanuel School

o   Good Friday 10.30am at Immanuel School

o   Easter Sunday 9.30am at Immanuel School (Hot Cross Bun and Easter Egg Hunt)


Circle Time

·         This week’s theme is “Catastrophising exaggerates your worries



·         For recess time Thursday 8 April

·         Orders due Tuesday 6 April ($1 for $2 / 2 for $3)

·         Thanks P&F Group


Walk My Way - Saturday 1 May

·         26km Walking Challenge starting at Redeemer Nuriootpa to St Jakobi at Lyndoch.

·         Immanuel will enter a school team – a link will be provided soon.  More information at


Relay for Life

·         Many thanks to those who joined in on Saturday - we managed to raise over $4000 for this worthwhile cause. (And had a lot of fun doing it!)


Uniform Term 2

·         Winter formal uniform is required to be worn from the start of Term 2.   There is a 2 week changeover period should the weather be unseasonal.
Winter formal uniform consists of grey trousers, long sleeve shirt and jumper for boys, and pinafore or navy trousers with white shirt and jumper for girls. 
If your child is in year 2 please be reminded that they will need the formal winter uniform for the first time. 

·         If you need to purchase new winter uniform items, please see the office staff.    


iGOSH Information

·         Bookings for the April Vacation Care program close at 5pm tomorrow (Tues 30/3). Click here to read the program. 

Book via  Consent and Confirmation letters will come home on Wednesday. Please sign the consent form and return before vacation care starts.

·         iGOSH Account reminders will be sent home tomorrow.  Accounts need to be under $500 and the last vac care paid to be able to use the service for these holidays

·         We are still after 2L plastic milk / juice containers.  Please wash them out and drop them off at the iGOSH room. Thanks for all the donated containers so far.

·         Bookings for care next week close 2pm Thursday this week (due to Easter break)

·         Have you confirmed your 2018-2019 income for your Child Care Subsidy?  




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