Monday Memos Week 8 Term 1


Welcome to Week 8!

Thankyou to everyone who has come to meet with us at Learning Conferences. We have enjoyed 

getting to know you all a little better. 

This week we are beginning a new Unit of i\Inquiry; Where we are in place and time: 

Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understandings of the World.


If students are bringing anything from home to create their portraits (eg. canvas, balls, frames, items to paint etc.) it will need to be brought in by Wednesday so that the task can begin. We are hoping for these to be completed within two weeks.

P&F Meeting

·         Tonight Monday 15 March starting at 7pm in the Library (Admin building)

·         New members are welcome to attend too.  Preparation for the Colour Run Day will be discussed.


Worship and Praise

Friday 19 March starting at 9.30am.

·         Pastor Anthony will be presenting.

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code th8b2


Circle Time

·         The theme this week is “Nobody is Perfect”



Monday 22 March starting at 2.45pm

·         Year 4 students will be presenting, plus Celia Fielke from ALWS will present information about the upcoming “Walk My Way” on May 1 2021. 

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code cemvr


Peaceful Kids Program

·         Andrea White will hold a parent information session click here at Immanuel on Monday 22 March at 7pm – 8pm to present the Peaceful Kids Program

·         Please secure your booking by contacting the school office or Andrea direct on 0438 302 546 

·         More information about the Peaceful Kids Program can be found at


Scholastic Book Club

·         Orders for #2 Catalogues are due back by this Fri 19 March. 


Uniform Term 2

·         Winter formal uniform is required to be worn from the start of Term 2.   There is a 2 week changeover period should the weather be unseasonal.
Winter formal uniform consists of grey trousers, long sleeve shirt and jumper for boys, and pinafore or navy trousers with white shirt and jumper for girls. 
If your child is in year 2 please be reminded that they will need the formal winter uniform for the first time. 

·         If you need to purchase new winter uniform items, please see the office staff.    


iGOSH Information

·         The April Vacation Care program is out now and available via our website. Click here

Bookings are open on line at  These will close Tuesday 30 March at 5pm.  

Bookings made by this date will be charged at the permanent rate.  Bookings made after this date will be charged the casual rate. 

Vacation Care Fees:



Home Day












All accounts need to be under $500 and previous Dec/Jan Vac cares fees paid.

Some vac care day numbers are capped, so please get your bookings in early. 

·         Just a reminder that we offer breakfast from 7-8am each morning. If your child requires breakfast please make sure you arrive before 8am. Staff are restructured around at 8am so serving breakfast after this time gets tricky.

·         If you have any dress up outfits that you no longer need, iGOSH will be happy to take them. Please drop them off direct to the iGOSH room.

·         If you have any 2L plastic milk containers, IGOSH will take them as they are needed for a few activities during the upcoming school holidays. Please drop them off direct to the iGOSH room. 



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