Monday memos Week 9 Term 1

It's Week 9 and we have moved on to the next two Units of Inquiry. 

Last week we introduced students to the How we organise ourselves transdisciplinary theme that will connect strongly with our visit to Canberra. The central idea we unpack is Societies are shaped by their decision making processes.

We have  introduced the concepts of citizenship and each student has received a passport where they will learn about the rights and responsibilities of an Australian Citizen.  

The other inquiry that is beginning is Where we are in place and time.  The central idea is Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understandings of the world.

Remember to check that daily Reading and  Mathletics are occurring.  

Spelling and Portraits are to be completed and handed up this Friday.

Worship and Praise

Friday 26 March starting at 9.30am

  • Andrew Boesch will be presenting
  • Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code 32bfb

Maundy Thursday 1 April – service starting at 2.40pm

  • Mr Hueppauff will be presenting and Zion Preschool will be invited to join us too
  • Parents and friends are welcome to join us, the link for the online booking system will be sent home at the end of this week


Family Worship Service

  • Sunday 28 March 10.30am at Immanuel School Taikondi
  • The school worship band will be playing
  • All school families welcome to attend


Peaceful Kids Program

  • Andrea White will hold a parent information session click here at Immanuel tonight Monday 22 March at 7pm – 8pm and again tomorrow morning Tuesday 23 March at 9am to 10am to present the Peaceful Kids Program.   You are welcome to come and attend even if you haven’t registered.
  • More information about the Peaceful Kids Program can be found at


Zion Preschool Star Nights

  • This Tuesday and Wednesday evening the Zion Preschool will be holding their Star Nights at Immanuel School.  We wish them all the best for a successful night. 


Relay for Life

  • All the best the Immanuel All Stars (a team of students, staff and parents) who are participating in the Gawler Relay for Life this Saturday.  Happy walking!
    You can support the team by donating through the fundraiser box in the school office


Circle Time

  • This week’s theme is “Learning from mistakes and accepting what can’t be changed”


Uniform Term 2

  • Winter formal uniform is required to be worn from the start of Term 2.   There is a 2 week changeover period should the weather be unseasonal.
    Winter formal uniform consists of grey trousers, long sleeve shirt and jumper for boys, and pinafore or navy trousers with white shirt and jumper for girls. 
    If your child is in year 2 please be reminded that they will need the formal winter uniform for the first time. 
  • If you need to purchase new winter uniform items, please see the office staff.    


iGOSH Information

  • The April Vacation Care program is filling fast. Click here to read the program. 

Bookings close next Tuesday 30 March at 5pm.  To book go to

  • If you have any dress up outfits that you no longer need, iGOSH will be happy to take them. Please drop them off direct to the iGOSH room.
  • If you have any 2L plastic milk containers, IGOSH will take them as they are needed for a few activities during the upcoming school holidays. Please drop them off direct to the iGOSH room. 
  • On the front sign in desk at iGOSH is a survey about how you would like observations that we do on your children shown to you. Currently we show them to you when you drop off and collect your child and this is done when we complete an observation. We would like your feedback on if you like this current way or would you prefer to just see the observations at the end of each term? On the desk is a quick tick a box feedback survey that we would like you to fill in. We are also currently exploring an iGOSH seesaw class to which we hope to be able to share photos and eventually these observations. More information will come out next week regarding our seesaw class, as you will all be invited to it. 


Lost Property in the office – a couple of watches



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