It’s a real busy time in and around the Senior Unit at the moment. 

A New Face:

We welcome Caitlin Gogel to the Senior Unit. If you see her, please say hi. She is doing a second year university teachers placement here with us and will spend another two weeks here after already being with us over the last week.


Spelling this week is using list 11 and concentration on the ‘cious’ blend

Canberra Camp (12 days away)

Camp is only 12 days away, so there is plenty to get ready. There will be some important information to go out shortly via email. We will also send the same information out via a hard copy to. In this document, we hope to answer any questions you may have.

Here is the what to bring list...

Whole School Update…


This week:


Scholastic Book Club

Orders due in tomorrow Tuesday 11 May


Youth Group

Tuesday 11 May (with Emma Lange)


NAPLAN Testing for year 3 and 5 students

Tues, Weds, Thurs this week and Mon, Tues next week

Music tutors and Agency schedules will be altered accordingly  


‘Valuing Safe Communities’ (VSC) Volunteers training

Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 2.30pm or at 6.30pm in the Library with Daryl Trigg. 

(Please RSVP by emailing


National Walk Safely to School Day plus “Walk My Way” Fundraising – Friday 14 May

Students and families are encouraged to walk to school

We have 3 locations to meet at and then walk to school

1. Clonlea Park (1km walk) meet at 8am

2. Dead Man’s Pass (2km walk) meet at 7.45am

3. Tikka Talian (3km walk) meet at 7.30am

$2 participation fee to walk and students will receive a piece of fruit (pay on the morning)

$3 egg and bacon sandwich for walkers and non-walkers – from 8.15am at school, supplied by Gawler Lutheran Church volunteers (pay on the morning)

Money raised will go to the Walk My Way fund

Please click here to read more and return the tear off slip to help us with staff and catering 


Circle Time

Theme for week is 'Feeling Shy / Self-Conscious”


Worship and Praise

W&P this Friday 14 May starting at 9.30am with Mr Lord Year 2

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code 7k9tj


W&P last Friday 7 May was presented by Mrs Altus and Year 4.  

Please click on this link below to watch from home. 

​MOV icon W&P Term 2 Week 2- 4 Altus.MOV


Open Days

Sunday 16 May at 2pm and Tuesday 18 May at 9.30am

This is for new families interested in enrolling at Immanuel


iGOSH reminders

A reminder about making your bookings for the week ahead by 2pm each Friday. If you do them after this time they will not be on our bookings sheets. So please email  / text Katrina to let her know to add them in.


Uniform Shop Opening times

Mondays 8.30am to 9.15am

Fridays 3.00pm to 3.45pm

If you cannot make these times, come see the office staff


Secondhand Uniform Stall Opening times

Wednesdays 3.10pm to 3.40pm

Fridays 8.45am to 9.15am


What else is on in Term 2

Mon 17 May - Assembly at 2.45pm with all Year 3 students.  

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code v22hu

Fri 21 May – Disco night

27 May to 3 June - Reconciliation week

Mon 7 June to Fri 11 June Scholastic Book Fair

Fri 11 June – Cabaret

Mon 14 June – Queens Birthday public holiday

Fri 25 June – end of term 2


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