Monday Memos Week 4Term 2

In the Senior Unit, the excitement is building as we get closer to Friday’s testing and possibly camp. Please check your emails for the latest information about camp. Here is the other memos from the Senior Unit.

Caitlin Gogel - it is Caitlin’s last week with us. If you cross paths with her this week, please wish her well. The students have enjoyed the lesson ideas she has brought to the Senior Unit over the last few weeks.


We are looking at List 12 this week and concentration on the blend ‘eous’

Loyal Creatures - 

Our class novel this term is Loyal Creatures, a book written by Morris Gleitzman, that delves into the relationship between a boy and his horse and the upheaval of World War One. Below is a photo of the memorial that is referred to by Morris Gleitzman. This monument is situated in the Botanical Gardens in Sydney.

Whole School Update…


COVID Check-In  - Launch of Operation Trace

It is a government regulation to check in at all businesses or public events to keep SA COVID Safe.

This is a reminder to all Immanuel parents and visitors to check in at Immanuel School Gawler using our QR Code which is displayed at each entrance gate and classroom.

There is a paper based check in form in the office for those who cannot check in using a mobile device. 


This week:

Disco - Friday 21 May 2021 at Immanuel

Foundation and Year 1 students – Disco  @ 3.45pm to 5.00pm

Year 2 and Year 3 students – Silent Disco @ 6.00pm to 7.15pm

Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 students – Silent Disco @ 7.30pm to 8.45pm

Tickets are $5 each and you must return the registration form (click here) and money by tomorrow Tuesday 18 May to attend. 

(NO LATE ORDERS as the headphones for the Silent Disco will be ordered according to student numbers at the end of Tuesday.)


Casual Clothes day - Friday 21 May for the whole school. 

This means students can wear weather appropriate casual clothing and appropriate shoes.   


NAPLAN Testing for year 3 and 5 students

Mon, Tues this week. 


Youth Group

Tuesday 18 May (with Emma Lange)


Open Day

Tuesday 18 May at 9.30am

This is for new families interested in enrolling at Immanuel


National Simultaneous Storytime

Wednesday 19 May 10.30am.  Immanuel students will watch the reading from the International Space Station of the story “NSS Give me some space!” by Philip Bunting 


Circle Time

Theme for this week is “Being a Good Listener”


Worship and Praise

W&P this Friday 21 May starting at 9.30am is with John from Gawler Lutheran Church

Parents and friends are welcome to join us, please register to attend via the online booking system and enter the code 2j8r3


W&P last Friday 14 May was presented by Mr Lord and Year 2.  

Please click on this link below to watch from home. 

​MOV icon W&P Term 2 Week 3- 2 Lord.MOV


iGOSH reminders

July School Holidays

iGOSH will be available for the 3 weeks (28 June to 16 July) The program will be available Weds 2 June and bookings open at 5pm that day.

Boxes wanted

All sizes (for box construction activity in a few weeks).  Please drop them off to iGOSH room

Observation Update

This is the last week that we will be sharing observations from your child’s scrapbooks. Next week they will be on Seesaw.


During this week, all families in the school will receive an email welcoming you to your child’s Seesaw account.

We will be posting all of the Observations and Learning Stories in your child’s account, starting in Week 6, for you to read and provide feedback on.

We will still continue to glue them in your child’s scrapbook, so at the end of their time in iGOSH they will be able to take their My iGOSH Life book home.

We hope this change will allow you to read them whenever you have the chance.


National Walk Safely to School Day plus “Walk My Way”

Thanks everyone who walked or joined us for breakfast on Friday.

We raised $600 for Walk My Way


Year 6 Canberra Trip

On Sat 22 May the Year 6 students & teachers head off to Canberra for their Camp returning Fri 28 May.  

All the best to them for safe and fun travels.  Mr Trigg, Mr Wundersitz & Mrs McNair will be accompanying them too.    


What else is on in Term 2

27 May to 3 June - Reconciliation week

Mon 7 June to Fri 11 June Scholastic Book Fair

Fri 11 June – Cabaret

Mon 14 June – Queens Birthday public holiday

Fri 25 June – end of term 2 and a 3 week holiday break

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